One Last Chance

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(Yn pov)

Madi dropped me off at my place and once I had closed the door to my dorm all I could do was cry. I can believe that just happened, I thought I could finally have a perfect relationship with the man of my dreams and then it was ruined just like that. I got up from my ball on the floor, wiping my tears. I decided to just try and take my mind off of thing but the second I opened my phone I was met with a sting of messages from the one and mother, just kidding it's Hyunjin.

I felt my tears start to bubble up again as I read them.

________Hwang Hyunjin 😻😻😽_______

H: Hey, I know I fucked up. I'm really sorry.
H: Can I please talk to you, I completely understand is you hate me now, but can I please just see you one last time?
H: Please Yn, I truly am sorry


I stared at the text, starting to wonder if storming out like that really was the best idea. I hesitate before typing back.


Yn: Okay, I can come over at 4:00pm if that works.


Not even seconds later I get a reply.


H: Of course you can, I can't wait to see you. I'm so, so, so, so sorry my love


I smiled at his reply. I know that he's sorry, but I can't help but feel hesitant at forgiving him so easily.

I quickly get changed into something more put together, lightly touch up my makeup and make my way out the door. I feel anxiety start to pool in the bottom of my stomach as I drive to his home. Luckly it's a long drive so I had plenty of time to think over this situation.  

I arrived at his home and to my surprise he is already out-front waiting by the front door like a puppy who lost its owner. I park the car and slowly get out, feeling a little awkward under his gaze. I notice him hesitate slightly before walking towards me, stopping a few steps away. 
"hey..." He said awkwardly, "Hi" I say, smiling at him although it's clearly forced. Hyunjin didn't seem to mind though since he quickly returned the grin offering me to go inside. We head inside the tension in the room so thick it could be cut with a knife. 

"I'm so sorry, I really am just so, so sorry Yn!" Hyunjin exclaimed the second we entered the kitchen. My heat ached for him, but I couldn't let my guard down that easily. "I know you are" I say calmly, not wanting him to feel to bad at the situation but at the same time I want him to feel a little guilty, just to make sure this doesn't happen again. 

"Hyunjin, I will forgive you" Hyunjin's eyes shot up at my response, and I could tell he really wanted to make things work. "However," I continued. "I feel like we need to talk this, I think that having a conversation will help prevent this from happening again." I can tell that he understands what I'm saying but is still a little hesitant. "Okay...Yea, lets talk about it" He says finally. I smile at him, feeling my nervous float away from my body. 

I take a moment to think, not sure on how to approach this situation. "Now...I do know that this is not entirely your fault..." I start but am cut off. "What are you talking about!? It is all my fault I'm so sorry, you didn't do anything" He rushes to reassure me, but I know it's not the truth. "Yes Hyunjin, it is a little my fault, but you did overreact..." I say, trying my best not to sound accusing. 

I notice his face fade into a shadow of sadness, and it breaks my heart to see, but I have to stand my ground. "And...I think that maybe we just shouldn't talk about the...topic that caused this...situation" I say, trying my best not to motion his parents but finding it a bit difficult to get the point across if I don't. "Yea, I understand...and, I'm sorry for overreacting." Hearing Hyunjin apologies made my heat jump, I could tell it was difficult for him and I can't lie, I have difficulty at apologizing to. I take a big person to admit it and I'm so happy that he did. "I know you are love..." I have to build up the courage to say this last part but I know it's only far. "And I'm...sorry too. For being insensitive"

(Hyunjin pov)

I smile at Yn even though I don't really think she should have to apologies, it's still nice to hear. I'm just so thankful that our little spat didn't last, because I don't think I would be able to sleep tonight if I didn't see her again. "Thank you love..." I say quietly. "But just so you know" she starts in a serious voice that I find out of this world adorable. "If this happened again, I'm gone" She says, and without thinking I pulled her into a tight hug, "Don't worry beautiful, I promise you that this will never happen again" I give her a kiss on the for head.

"Now, how about you help me pick out a suit for company dinner tomorrow night?"

Word count - 886

Sorry for taking so long to update, I've been busy with school last week and got really sick over the weekend. I'm also currently working on a Hyunlix story, but I won't post it until it's almost finished so that you guys won't have to wait for updates.

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