A Night to Remember

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(Y/n pov) slight sexual activity

As our lips meet, I can feel myself getting more and more lost as the alcohol takes over my body. The gentle caress of his tongue against my own sent shockwaves of pleasure through my entire being. My hands find their way into his hair, tangling in the soft strands as he deepens the kiss.


I don't know why, but I foolishly agreed to staying the night. I know it's a bad I idea to spend a night with my cru- I mean project partner but I feel bad leaving him here, all drunk and alone. And if I'm being honest, I'm way too drunk to drive myself home. 

"It's getting late, how about we go to my room" he says, not even trying to hide his smirk.

"Okay" I say slurring my words as I get up to follow him. I'm not that drunk, but I couldn't be bothered to think straight. He takes my hand and leads me to his room, it's just as fabulous as I remember. We enter his room, and he closes the door behind us turning on the dim, blue lights.

"Why are we in here?" I ask, I'm a bit confused. Why are we in his room at this time of night?

"To sleep of course." he answers, walking over to his bed, and I hesitate but still follow. 

"Well, should I go to one of the guestrooms then?"

"No, this room is better. You'll have a great sleep" he says and walks over to me, his face just inches from mine. 

What!? I can't share a bed with him! "Oh, okay" I say, way too tired to argue.

"Good" he says, taking my hand and leading me over to the bed. I follow him over, still a little skeptical of sharing a bed with him. He sits down on the edge of the bed, tugging on my hand indicating for me to get on the bed with him. I hesitate and stay standing, rethinking my choices of staying the night with a drunken Hyunjin.

"Sit down" he says, in a rather demanding voice, which surprised me.

I immediately sat. (yea, as you should....sorry)  


"Good girl"

"What? -" I say, moving a bit further away from him.

"Don't move away from me!" he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to him. Coursing me to land on his lap, facing him.

I blush intensely and try to get off of him. He was kind of scaring me, he's never spoken to me in that tone of voice before. I think he noticed because, his eyes shifted into an almost sympathetic look.

"Sorry...I didn't mean it like that" I was way too quick to believe his sympathy until his said the next part. "But you know you want me, don't deny it" he snakes his arm round my waist. 

"Hyunjin..." I say trying to push off of him, but he holds me still.

"Come on~ don't be like that" he wines, pulling me closer to him by my waist.

I know I shouldn't give in, but the alcohol was talking to me and he just looked so hot.

"Okay..." I whisper surrendering and he immediately takes the chance.

His hands slip under my shirt, tracing light circles on my back as he pulls me closer, our bodies pressing together. He nibbles gently on my neck, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. I know I shouldn't be doing this; I know this is wrong, but I can't stop. All I can think about is the intoxicating drink in my body, my head throbbing from the pleasure and most importantly Hyunjin.

I let out a small moan and drop my head to his shoulder to stop anymore from coming out.

He takes the chance to flip me onto the bed, crawling on top of me, reattaching our lips in a greedy rush. The feeling of his lips against my skin, the warmth of his body, the weight of him pressing me into the mattress - it's all too much.

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