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(Hyunjin pov)

I sigh a breath of relief, when Y/n agrees to staying for dinner. I wasn't planning on acting this desperate, but I need to show her that I want to be more than just project partners and if I don't spend additional time with her, we'll stop talking after the projects over and I don't think I can handle that.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen." I say, leading her out of the foyer. She follows behind me and I can't help but feel butterflies, in my stomach. It's a strange feeling for me, I've never felt it before for anyone else, well except of that one.... But that's over now and since then I've never loved another. It feels weird to finally love again after so many years, but I just know y/n is the one and I must do everything I can to have her be mine and mine only.

Y/n and I enter the kitchen. It's a rather large kitchen, but that's how I like it. I find it almost impossible to cook if I don't have all the space I could ever need. Usually, I would have someone cook for me, but I want to show Y/n that I can do thing for myself, I'm sure she would never want to date someone who she thinks is a stuck up, rich, brat. 

"Have a seat, I'll make dinner for us" I say grinning at her and gesturing for her to sit at the kitchen island stool. She smiles back at me as she goes to sit down, and I swear I felt my heat jump in my chest. She's just so beautiful. At first, I thought that it was just a light crush, but now I'm a full on simp...I just hope she doesn't notice to much; I want to get to know her a bit before I try to get her to be my girlfriend.

I go to the other side of the island where all of the kitchen supplies is and start to chop up some vegetables for the side dishes. I decided to make one of my favorites. 

"Do you like tteokbokki?" I ask, making sure that she will actually want to eat what I make. 

"Yea, I love it" She smiles over at me.

"I'm glade." I say, looking over at the kitchen door when I hear quiet little footsteps approaching. "Kkami, you woke up!" I say, walking over to my precious little puppy stumbling through the door. I pick him up and luckily, he doesn't hate me today. I bring him over to y/n, placing him down on the stool next to her.

"Oh my gosh! What's its name?" Y/n askes, and to be honest it made me feel good when she was acting so excited, it's like she's never seen a dog before.

"His name's Kkami, you can hold him he seems to like you." I say, and she eagerly allows me to lower him into her arms. I can't help but smile when I look down at the cutes dog being held in the even cuter girl's arms. I find it funny how Kkami is so fond of y/n, he usually hates people even me. I guess it's just another reason, she's the one.

"Cute" I accidently say out loud and quickly pet Kkami, trying to play off that I was talking about him. And I was, but he's not the only cute one. I give y/n one last smile before going back around the island and continuing my cooking.

I can't stop myself from smiling the whole time, since every time I look up the first thing I see is Y/n petting and cuddling up with Kkami. 
I wish me and Kkami could swap places- AYO! that's weird, why would I even think that.

I quickly through the thought away and finished putting a small serving of plain toktokkie rice cakes in a little dish for Kkami, and plating two bowls of normal tteobokki for me and my beautiful y/n- I mean just y/n. Dame, I have been thinking so weird lately!

"The foods ready, let's go to the dining room" I say, setting down Kkami's food on the ground and taking the other two plates into the other room, where the dining table is. Y/n let's Kkami  down by his food and she follows me. I walk down to the end of the table, placing both the food on either side of the table, so that we would be facing each other.

I pull out her chair gesturing for her to sit down. "Would you like anything to drink? Alcohol maybe?" I ask, pushing her chair in gently. It feels nice to be this close to y/n.

(Y/n pov)

I try to think of an answer, but it's quite difficult when all I can think about is his hot breath on my neck as he pushes my chair in. I don't know why, but this small act was just so attractive.  

"Umm, sure" I say just wanting to get an answer out, not really thinking. I mean, I've gotten drunken with Hyunjin before and it was fine, so there's no real reason to decline his offer.

Hyunjin leaves and comes back a few moments later with some sort of alcohol of a brand I've never seen before. Judging by the house we are in, it's probably really expensive, so it makes sense that I've never seen it being the broke bitch I am.
He places down the bottle and two fancy looking wine glasses, sitting down across from me.
He pours himself and I a glass and sets the bottle off to the side. The drink is clear with a slight hint of pink, it might be champaygne or something like that. 

"So, have you enjoyed this new year so far" Hyunjin asks, breaking the loud silence that has been going on for far too long.

"Yea, it's been alright. I like my new subjects, how about you?"

"Hm, same. I especially like dance class" He says, taking a lip of his, let's just say champagne, and I do the same. 
"Why is that?" I take a bite of my food, not wanting him to think I don't like it.

"Well, because I get to see you of course." He also takes a few bites of his food, downing almost half his glass.

I wasn't expecting him to be so straight forward, I also don't think it's a good idea for him to be drinking that so fast considering we got drunk last night. But he's a grown man, I can't tell him what to do.

We have some light harded filler conversations whilst having our dinner, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little concerned about how much Hyunjin had drank. The bottle was almost empty, and I've not even finished my second glass, but to be honest I was starting to feel the effects myself. That's what I get for being such a light weight. 

Hyunjin had just poured the last of the bottle into his glass and almost immediately downed half of it.

"Hey, Hyunjin. Maybe you shouldn't drink the rest of that. You wouldn't want to be hungover for a second night" I say, trying not to seem to bossy. 

"Aww, are you worried about me darling" he says in a slurred, drunken, state. 

I blush intensely at his response and immediately get defensive. "No, I just don't want to feel bad leaving you all drunk and alone" I say giving him a bit of attitude. The alcohol clearly taking it's own effect on me.

"Oh come on now, don't be like that" He says with a ho- I mean annoying smirk on his face.
"Here lets finish it together." He says, razing his glass to me. 

I feel bad since I was a little harsh earlier, so I give in. I rase my glass to him, cheering our glasses and finish the last couple sips as he downs his basically full glass. My eyes, unwillingly gaze down at his Adams apple, watching as the liquid goes down his throat. Dame he's hot.

"What ya lookin at?" He says, smirking at me. I guess I was staring a little too long.

"You" I say, surprising myself, but I'm too drunk to bother taking it back.

"Oh really, then how about you stay the night and look at me till morning?" 


Word count: 1390

OOOO~ Looks like the next chapters goanna be little spicy~.

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