Three-Tailed Beast

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As Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato made their way back to the camp, Kakashi's mind swirled with thoughts about Team Guren's motives, especially regarding the young child, Yūkimaru, they were bringing along. Kakashi suspected that the boy held a power to control the tailed beast, a suspicion that Naruto confirmed, solidifying their understanding of Orochimaru's sinister plan.

In light of this revelation, Naruto devised a strategy to thwart Orochimaru by rescuing Yūkimaru from the clutches of Team Guren. As they approached the camp, Sakura leaped from Sai's ink bird, surprising Naruto with an ambush that swiftly brought him to the ground. Sakura's actions carried a lesson for Naruto, a reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant.

"Oww Sakura! What's that for?" Naruto whined as he nursed his bruised head.

"That's for going against orders you idiot!" She exclaimed ready to throw another punch if he won't listen. Naruto had disobeyed Kakashi's orders and went after Yukimaru, determined to save him being used as nothing more than a tool for Orochimaru.

"Sakura! Enough!" Kakashi quickly intercepted. "Yamato and myself have already dealt with that situation. So leave it!" He demanded.

Sakura released her balled up fist while expelling a deep sigh. "Sensei, Pakkun has returned with the sealing team, they are waiting for us back at the house."

"Very well, let's head back."

As the Konoha shinobi sought refuge in their hidden wooden outpost, a structure crafted by Yamato's wood style technique, the team gathered for a debriefing. Yamato, along with Kakashi, led the discussion to strategize their next moves.

During the meeting, Shizune brought forth crucial information regarding Tsunade's plan. The Hokage had devised a strategy to employ fūinjutsu, aiming to seal the Three-Tails. Shizune outlined the roles assigned to the team members, explaining that Ino and Shizune, along with Hinata and Sakura, are tasked with using their medical ninjutsu to deal with the fūinjutsu whilst Lee and Tenten are to take over Hinata and Sakura's combat duties.


The chaos unfolded around the lake as the sealing team struggled to contain the raging powers of the hidden tail-beast. The air crackled with tension as Guren's henchmen launched relentless attacks, attempting to thwart the team's efforts to seal the formidable creature. Yamato, Lee, Tenten, and Kiba with Akamaru fought valiantly, holding their ground against the relentless assaults.

Amidst the turmoil, Kakashi led an assault team, comprised of Naruto, Sai, and Shino, determined to confront the crystal style user and disrupt Guren's machinations. The sunlight reflected off the lake's surface, casting a blinding glow on the battlefield, where the clash of jutsu and the roars of the tail-beast echoed.

As they approached Guren's position, Kakashi's Sharingan spun, anticipating the imminent confrontation. Naruto, charged with determination, exclaimed, "Let's end this, Kakashi-sensei! We can't let them control that beast!"

Sai, his ink birds swirling around him, added, "I'll provide aerial support. Just give me the signal, Kakashi-senpai."

Shino, ever analytical, observed, "Guren's control over the crystalline structures is formidable. We need a strategy to dismantle it."

Kakashi, his tone resolute, replied, "Stay focused, everyone. We break through her defenses, and the sealing team can do their work. Naruto, Sai, Shino, prepare for a coordinated assault. This ends today."

The assault team moved forward, their resolve unwavering as they prepared to face Guren and disrupt the delicate balance of power at the heart of the chaotic battlefield.

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