The Plan

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As the soft rays of the sun began to filter through the trees by the riverbank, Sakura walked briskly to where she knew Kara would be running. She spotted Kara, on her usual morning jog. Clearing her throat, Sakura picked up her pace until she caught up with Kara.

"Good morning, Kara-sensei," Sakura greeted with a bright smile, trying to match Kara's serious demeanour. "Mind if I join you for a run today?"

Kara glanced at Sakura briefly, surprise flickering in her eyes before she masked it with a nod. "Of course, Sakura. It's good to see you taking your training seriously."

"How is your medical ninjutsu training going anyway?"

"Really well. Lady Tsunade is a great teacher. Have you ever practiced medic ninjutsu?"

Kara chuckled slightly at Sakura's question, "my genin- sensei wanted me to learn a long time ago."

"Did you.. learn?"

"Aha no, I tried, but as it would seem, my control of chakra- would you believe ... is a bit chaotic- my lessons didn't last more than a few hours."

Sakura giggled at Kara's response, "well that doesn't surprise me one bit, I expect Kakashi-sensei is the same."

An awkward silence fell over them and they continued on their run, noting the tension Sakura spoke up.

"Sensei, can I ask you something personal?" Sakura ventured, her voice carefully neutral as she glanced over at Kara. The Kara nodded, her expression giving away nothing as she continued to run.

"It's about Kakashi-sensei," Sakura began cautiously, watching for any reaction from Kara. The mention of Kakashi's name caused a slight tightening around Kara's eyes, but she remained silent, prompting Sakura to continue. "Have you guys spoken since the Hiruko incident?"

Kara's pace didn't falter, but Sakura could sense the shift in the atmosphere around them. After a long moment of silence, Kara finally spoke, her voice even and controlled. 

"It's nothing you need to worry about, Sakura. Kakashi and I dealing with things regarding our personal relationship."

Sakura nodded, though she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story than Kara was letting on. As they continued their run, Sakura tried to think of a way to subtly steer the conversation back to Kakashi without making Kara defensive.

Before she could form her next question, they arrived at the riverside clearing. To Sakura's surprise, she saw Naruto, Sai, already there setting up a small romantic picnic for two under the shade of a large oak tree.

Kara glanced at Sakura, noticing the surprise in her eyes as they approached the riverside clearing. She furrowed her brow slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she saw Naruto and Sai setting up for what looked like a date.

"Sakura? What's going on?" Kara turned to her as she slowed to a stop.

Sakura, acting as if she didn't hear Kara's question continued to run until she reached Naruto. "Where's Kakashi-sensei?" she whispered.

"It's Kakashi-sensei... he's late of course!" Naruto said quietly.

Sakura exchanged a quick look with Naruto, silently urging him to keep Kara distracted while they waited for Kakashi to arrive. Turning back to Kara, Sakura put on her best innocent expression and casually motioned towards the picnic setup.

"Oh, it looks like Naruto and Sai thought it would be fun for us to have a little team outing today by the river," Sakura explained smoothly, hoping to divert Kara's attention away from Kakashi's absence.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now