Discussion on equal opportunities

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yn: yoongi i am thinking of having talk with 7 of u. i feel like everyone should get equal time with me. and sometimes we can have group thingy too. i don't want anyone of u feel left out

yoongi: *nods* That sounds like a good idea, Yn. I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. We can all spend time together, and it'll be like a big group date. We can have a lot of fun doing that. That does sound exciting. We could take turns pleasuring each other, or maybe everyone can just join in at once. It's up to us and what we all want to do. We can discuss it together and figure it out.

yn: lets go then

|| They quickly dry off and dress, finding the others in the main room. After explaining their idea to everyone, there's a buzz of excitement as they all discuss the possibility of a group session. ||

rm: That sounds hot as hell! I'm game for anything.

jin: Me too. We can all take turns pleasuring each other or anything else we can think of.

hobi: *nods eagerly* I think it would be really intense to all be together like that. I'm down for whatever.

jimin: *his heart races at the thought* Yeah, I agree. We can make it as wild or as tame as we want. It's up to us.

tae: *grins* I'm always down for a good time. Let's do it.

jungkook: *looks a bit nervous* I-I don't know if I'm ready for that, but I trust you all.

yn: *pats his shoulder reassuringly* It's okay, jungkook. We can take it slow and make sure everyone's comfortable. We're all here for each other.

jungkook: *looks relieved* Thanks, Yn. I appreciate that.

yn: and also i want everyone to have equal time with me. can we plan like who will be there with me on what day.

||Jungkook nods, still a bit nervous but relieved by her reassurance. The others exchange glances, considering her request. Jimin takes the lead in organizing things.||

jimin: Yeah, that's a good idea. We can all take turns pleasuring you, Yn. How does that sound? We can discuss it more and figure out a schedule that works for everyone.

yn: *nods* that sounds good. but also we can do it in group. sometimes.

yn: we should plan separately for group and individual. like that we get good time and it wont feel like its been long. tell me are u up for it and who wants on what day. For the group sessions, let's make sure everyone gets a chance to be with  me. For individual sessions we can discuss on who's available on which days.

The group discusses the logistics of the group sessions, making sure everyone is comfortable and understanding the expectations. They continue to plan and coordinate, making the most of their time together. The anticipation is palpable as they eagerly await the opportunity to act on their desires. As they continue to discuss the schedule, the members of the group grow more comfortable with each other. 

|| Monday : Rm, jin and Tae || Tuesday : yoongi, hobi, jimin and jungkook || Thursday : Rm, Jin || Friday:  Tae, Jimin , Hobi ||Saturday : Yoongi , Jungkook || 

They share stories, laughter, and intimate moments, building a strong bond that transcends just the physical. The atmosphere is charged with sexual tension, but there's also a sense of camaraderie and understanding that makes everyone feel safe and loved.

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