Chapter 1

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Hollis' P.O.V.

We just got to England!! I had this weird butler sort of guy come and pick me up and take me and Aria's stuff to the castle. Both of us were going to the Burberry photo shoot. Im a little nervous!

"Hollis darling! Its lovely to meet you! Im Francis." A lady said running over to me and kissing both my cheeks.

"Thanks! Nice to meet you!" I replied.

"Today you will be wearing this!" She said handing me this hanger with a bunch of clothes on it. It was a tank top, trench coat, short shorts, and high heels. I went and got changed. I looked like i was naked underneath but that's how modeling goes.

"Its nice to be back here!" I heard someone say.

"Were glad you came to visit!!! Maybe next time you come you could model for us!" Francis said.

"I have nothing to do today! I could do it today if you wanted me to!" The guy said. I couldn't see him.

"That would be wonderful!! Here's some clothes!!" Francis said. She walked out and looked at me.

"You look wonderful!!"

"I look like im half naked." I replied.

"Your modeling partner is getting dressed! He will be out shortly!" Francis said walking away.

"Its probably that guy." I told Aria sitting in a chair having people do my hair and make up.

"I bet she would let you model to if you asked!"

"Im fine! I just got off of a job six hours ago!" Aria said. A bunch of guys walked out of the back and to the makeup area. They sat down and got their eyes darkened. It looked creepy.

"Hollis, this is your partner today." Francis said bringing over one of the guys. He was kinda cute. But the makeup looked weird."Im Eddie Redmayne." He said putting his hand out.

"Im Hollis Lapan. Your name sounds really familiar and you look a little familiar!" I said shaking his hand.

"Im a actor. I was in a My Week With Marilyn, Savage Grace, and a few other random movies! You look familiar also!" Eddie said.

"Well every year at the Victoria's Secret show, i wear the million dollar bra. Other than that im just a nobody that models!" I said with a laugh.

"Oh!" Eddie said laughing also.

"You two come over here!" Francis said.

"Listen to what the photographer says!" She said. Francis put us by the backdrop and stuff.

"I want you to lay on the floor." The guy said. I laid down on the floor trying to keep the trench coat covering me.

"I want you to lay next to her but kinda sit up." He added. Eddie laid down next to me.

"Now you hold onto the collar of his coat." The guy came over to us and positioned us how we should be. It was a little weird. He took our pictures and said we were free to go.

"It was nice to meet you!" Eddie said.

"Thanks you to!" I replied.

"I know this is weird to ask but can i get a picture with you?" I asked.

"Its not weird! I was gonna ask to take a picture with the million dollar bra girl!" Eddie said. I laughed. We both gave Aria out phones. Eddie put his arm around my waist and pulled me closet to him. I put my arm around his waist and smiled. Im actually not use to smiling for pictures! Aria took out picture on each phone. It was about 20:00 (8:00).

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