author's note + book three info

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authors note
It's been a few days since I completed this book and it feels so good. I started this book, what feels like decades ago but it's really only been about 2 and a bit. Which is way longer than I intended, but regardless I'm very thankful for everyone who took the time to give this book and hopefully Take the Shot a read.

I'd firstly like to apologise. I made you wait so long between updates and at times I felt like I wasn't able to give you the quality of writing you deserved, especially with the waits. I am so sorry, and I appreciate everyone who stuck with me and never pressured me to update.

As you may know, my mental health took a pretty bad hit while writing this book and where I am feeling a lot better now, I am sorry it affected your reading experience. Thank you to everyone who reached out and checked if I was okay, having your support and understanding meant everything to me.

I really hope you enjoyed An Executioner's Requiem, please let me know which parts you enjoyed the most.

book 3
As you've probably guessed, Nina is a pretty taxing character to write. She is inherently sad and there's a sense of longing in everything she does and says, which is a bitch of a thing to write when you're feeling pretty depressed yourself. Due to this, I have decided to not upload book 3 until I have written a good chunk of the chapters so if at any point I need a break from her, it won't affect your reading experience.

I would like it to be made clear I am NOT discontinuing Nina's story. I've put too much time and planned too much for her to do that, Nina Ramos will be back and there is still so much of Neo I have to tell.

Please just bare with me as I finalise everything and commit to a date for uploading it.

Thank you again <3

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