Chapter 13

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Callie's POV:

"C'mon. You gotta let me out of here" Mark whines to Teddy.

"You failed both stress tests we have done and your heart isn't ready for another. You will get it of here as soon I see that you are ready. What is the rush?" Altman say.
"We just hired a bunch of new nurses and some of them are pretty good looking"

"You are just...." I say and I walk over to him. "I gotta get to rounds but seriously. Take it easy. Arizona will bring Sofia in here and I will try to stop in as much as I can. Watch some TV, read a both. Keep yourself busy. I gotta go. See ya later"

"Later, Torres"

I walked down to the Peds floor. We had a 8 year old girl who came in last night. She was riding around on her bike in the dark and her brother and her crash into each other and she broke both femurs. She is getting surgery today. I walked up to the desk and saw blonde, bouncy hair coming my way.

"Hey" Arizona said with a huge smile. She slid right next to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek

"Hey. You're in a good mood this morning." I say

"I guess. I don't know. I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Oh and I had a couple of coffees" She says with a super magic smile.

"A couple? I can clearly tell" I joke.

"Oh and if we get out of here early, we could go out to dinner with Sofia. Maybe go to the park. And then get home and watch a movie and after we put Sofia down we could maybe.... You know" Arizona gives me a sly grin and stars at me with her beautiful blue blue eyes.

"Oh. Uh." My face gets red. We have been so busy with Mark and everything. "Totally. Yea. Yea. I-I would love that" She makes my stomach flip and I feel like a little girl.

"Ok. It's a date then" As soon as she said that, they interns and residents walked up. "I'll see you later" and she gave me a wink. My face turned red again and we started rounds.

I sit across from Arizona at dinner and Sofia is in the high chair and the end of the table.

"Gah. Ahhh. Blfff." Sofia babbles.

"Really?! Well tell me more!!!" Arizona says to Sofia, as if she can understand her. Sofia babbles some more. Our food comes over and as soon as it is set down in front of me, my stomach growls. Arizona laughs and starts to eat. She breaks off like pieces of her salad to give to Sofia. We both got steak Luckily we brought Cheerios for Sofia.

"This looks so good." I say as I dig in.

"Callie? Callie Torres?" I hear a voice call for me across the room. I look up to see who the familiar voice is coming from. And then I see her.


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