Chapter Two

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Arizona's POV: I came into work at 6:30. Callie had already been in at 3:30 last night. I dropped Sofia off at Marks because he wasn't working today. I was going to find Callie and ask her what happened last night but she was in surgery and I had rounds. Today, I didn't have any emergent patients or anyone who was dying. Just a 7 year old boy who swallowed some marbles, a 4 year old girl who fell off her swing and broke her arm pretty bad and was going home today, and a 2 year old girl with leukemia. She was my favorite patient. She was going through chemo and it was working very well. Around 8:00, Callie caught up with me at the nurses station.

"Hey. Sorry. I had three kids come in last night. They were in a car accident." Callie said.

"Are they alright?" I asked.

"One had some internal bleeding and a broken leg but Bailey controlled it and I fixed her leg, another broke both arms, and we lost the third one before I even checked on him." Callie said with a sad tone.

"Aw I'm sorry. Is your day going to be busy?" I asked.

"Not that I know of. Just keep on checking up on the patients that I have." Callie responded. Owen walked up next to Callie and gave a chart to the nurse.

"Good morning ladies. How are your days so far?" He asked. Owen is so nice and caring. He and Callie have become great friends since the accident. Sometimes I get jealous of them because they get along so easy.

"Well you already know how my day has been" Callie said.

"Yea. I'm sorry to hear about that." Owen said.

"It's ok. The other two are doing fine." Callie said. "And you?" Owen said to me.

"Oh. My day has been slow so far but I probably just jinxed it" I joked. Callie and Owen both laughed. We stood there in silence for a bit. The silence was broken by Owen and I's pagers. It was a 911 to the pit. "I guess I did jinx it." I said and started to run to the pit.

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