Chapter 16

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Callie's POV:
"No way!" I say laughing

"Yes!!! He was right in front of me. Harper Avery. I spilt my coffee in front of the most prestigious doctor in the world. It was so embarrassing" Erica says.

"And not to mention hilarious!" I joke. She's changed a lot. I mean, we got along really well before but now she is a nicer person. To everyone. I wonder why.

"So where to now? You got that crash victim all fixed up. Have you met Teddy yet?" I ask as we walk past the surgical board.

"No. I was supposed this morning but it looks like she got pulled into surgery with your wife" Erica says as she points to the board." We study the board for a little bit and then keep on walking. "This place has changed." She says after a while.

I scoff. "Just a little."

"So how are the old interns? Karev, Grey, Yang, Stevens, and O'malley? How did O'malley turn out? He was my favorite out of all of them. Hardworking." Erica asks. I look towards the ground.

"Um. He passed a couple of years ago. He jumped in front of a bus to save a lady's life." I say quietly. Erica's smile fades.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. That must have been horrible"

"It was. For a while. But I've moved on. He died saving a life." I say. We keep on walking in silence.

"What about Stevens?" Erica breaks the silence.

"Uh well she left. She was diagnosed with cancer and it wasn't looking good but she got better and then she was fired, right around the time that we merged with Mercy West." We catch up on all of the hospital drama. We ended up getting coffee and sat in the attending lounge, talking until Arizona came in the room with Teddy.

"Oh. Hi" Arizona says. Her face is kinda weird.

"Hey. How was surgery?" I ask. Her face makes a sad look.

"It was a little girl we operated on. She was beaten up. Doesn't have parents. She made it through surgery but she still has a lot of recovering to do." Arizona says with a heavy heart.

"I'm so sorry. Do you want the rest of my coffee? It has just the right amount of creamer in it. Just how you like it." I say as I hand her my coffee. She takes it with a big smile.

"Hi! I'm Teddy Altman. And I'm guessing you are Erica Hahn. Nice to meet you" Teddy says as she shakes hands with Erica.

"It's nice to meet you too. Webber said he wants to talk to us both in his office at," she looks down at her watch," right about now. We should head over there." Erica says.

"Yea. I'll show you the way. I'll see you guys later" Teddy says over her shoulder as her and Erica walk out the door. I look over at Arizona and can tell something is wrong.

"What's wrong? You seem upset." I ask her.

"Nothing." She says while fiddling with the coffee cup.

"Arizona." I say. She looks up at me and looks hurt.

"I feel like you guys are best friends again and I know what happened last time you guys were best friends. I'm just being paranoid." Arizona admits as she walks over to throw away the coffee cup. I stare at her and wonder what made her think that. "Please don't look at me like that, Callie. I know I sound ridiculous."

"You are kinda being ridiculous. I'm married. To a beautiful woman. And have a beautiful child. I would never cheat on you." I stand up and grab her hands. "I promise. If Erica shows interest in me like that again, I will shut it down. I promise."

"Thank you" Arizona whispers. I give her a long kiss. If it weren't for our pagers, who knows what that kiss could have lead too.

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