Chapter 11

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Callie's POV: Arizona stood there for a second after Owen came running up to me. Then she ran the other direction.

"Really?! You had to say something? Why couldn't you just forget about it and move on?" I screamed at Owen

"I'm sorry, Callie. I- I- I don't know why I did that or- I just am sorry." Owen said.

"Well sorry isn't gonna cut it this time." I said and ran after Arizona. I looked everywhere. On Call room, Peds floor, NICU, Marks room. I couldn't find her. As I was walking down a hallway, about to go home to look for her, I heard a cry from down a different hallway. I turned and saw Arizona, sitting on a gurney, crying. I stopped and stared at her for a second. I hate it when she cries. I hate seeing her hurt. And I hate it even more when I'm the one who caused her to hurt. I started to walk over by her.

"Arizona?" I asked quietly. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. We locked eyes.

"Why?" Arizona managed to squeak out and then continued to cry. I walked over to her and knelt in front of her.

"I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I went down to the pit to see if anyone needed help and he saw me and then pulled me into an empty trauma room. Then he asked me why I was down here and then I told him and then he kissed me and I ran out and I saw you and we went to Marks room." I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place. I would have still been hurt but not this much." Arizona said.

"I don't know. What I do know is that you are the only one I want kissing me." I said with a smile. She looked up at me and smiled. Oh how I love that smile. I took her hands in mine and stood up. "Should we go check on Sofia?" I asked her.

"Yea. Let's do that" she replied. We started to walk down the hallway and saw Owen walking towards us.

"Owen please just leave us alone." I said.

"No! It's Mark!" Owen yelled and took off running.

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