Chapter 19

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Arizona's POV:

"What do you mean 'are you sure'?" I ask Teddy. "Does Erica want to get back together will Callie?" I stare at Teddy until she gives me an answer.

"I-i don't know. I mean I was talking to her on the way to the Chief and she was saying stuff that made me think...." Teddy admits.

"Like what?"

"Well she said "I think Callie and I can get past our history and be back to where we were' but it could mean she wants to be friends with Callie again. I don't know Arizona. I just don't want you to get hurt." Teddy says. I don't know what to think. Callie and Erica were good friends before they started "dating" but what if she wants Callie back? Does Callie want to be with her and not me?

"Hey. Stop overthinking" Teddy says. I realize that I zoned out for a little bit. "Callie is a good person. If anything at all was going on, I'm sure she would tell you and shut it down. I'm starving. Do you want to get some food?"

"Sure." I say and grab my phone off the desk and stuff in my pocket. We start up a new conversation as we walk down to the cafeteria but my mind isn't paying attention to what Teddy is saying. I don't think Callie would ever cheat on me. And especially with Erica. But what if she realizes that they could be a good couple? Better than us? That's nonsense. I was the one who was there for her when she stopped being sad. Maybe I should talk to Erica. Pull her aside and interroga-

"Right?" Teddy ask. Crap. I wasn't listening.

"Yea. I completely agree." I hope that right.

"So you think I should move to Germany?"

"Wait? What? No!" I say. I should have been paying attention to the conversation. It was important.

"Where you listening to anything I said?"

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine. I'll just tell you while we are eating." Teddy says as we walk into the cafeteria. I look around to see who is all there and I see Erica. We walk over to get some food and then decide where we are gonna sit.

"Do you want to sit by Erica?" I ask Teddy.

"And why would we do that?" Teddy asks.

"To make her feel, I don't know, welcome" I say with a smile. I really don't care about making her welcome. I just want to talk to her.

"Whatever you want to do." Teddy says and we make our way over to Erica.

"Are these seats open?" I ask. She looks up from the book she was reading.

"Uh- no. Sit down." She says with a fake smile. Was it fake? Or did it just seem that way to me?

"Soooo...... What case are you guys working on together?" I ask, trying to ignore the awkwardness.

"It's really cool." Erica starts to say but I honestly don't listen. I just can't focus on anything today. After she seems like she is done talking. I ask her about Callie.

"So how's everything with Callie going? I mean because you guys have history and stuff" I say and look at Teddy. She shoots me an evil look.

"Uh well I'm hoping that we can mend out friendship and be friends again" phew. That put me at ease. A little.

"So there isn't anything going on with you two?" I ask as Teddy kicks me under the table.

"What?? No!! I mean I'll always have those feelings but you guys are married and I moved on and she moved on." Erica says.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I really am" I say.

"It's ok. I honestly would be too. But you have nothing to worry about at all. I'm serious." Erica assures me.

"Ok. Thank you." We finish our lunches and make a lot of small talk. Afterwards we all get paged to a different place. Mine weirdly is to an on-call room. I walk up to the door and knock.

"Hello?" I say and the door swings open. It's Callie. "Oh hey-"

"Get in here" she says. She seems pissed.

"Ok but I'm not sure what this is about"

"Why would you ask Erica all that stuff?? Do you not trust me at all?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust her!" I say.

"Why would you think that?" She's yelling now. I don't want to say why but it's coming out like word vomit.

"Because I think she is still in love with you!!!" I yell back. I shouldn't have said that.

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