Chapter 21

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Arizona's POV: After I hang up with Callie, I shove Owen's phone into his hand.

"What's going on between you two?" He asks

"Nothing. She is just pissed at me because I said something and just," I say and sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes but no. I don't know. I have to check on my patient and I don't think Callie would like if I blabbed about our problems to the whole hospital. Maybe later?" I say.

"Yea. Do you want to get beers after work? Teddy said something about going out." Owen suggests.

"Again, yes but no. I have to talk to Callie after work. Rain check?" I ask.

"Of course. Good luck. If you need anything, you have my number." He says and holds up his phone. I laugh and walk towards the Peds wing to check up on Emma. I walk through the familiar halls and step up to the nurses station.

"Can I have the chart for Emma Pierson?" I ask the nurse at the desk.

"Yes doctor." She turns around and grab the chart then hands it to me. As I am looking at it, I head into Emma's room. Her parents are on both sides of the bed, holding on to Emma's hands. Emma is fast asleep and so is her mom. After hearing me walk in, her dad looks up and smiles at me.

"How is she feeling?" I ask him.

"She is really tired. And sore. But she is being a trooper." He says with pride.

"That's awesome. My shift is going to be over soon so I probably won't see you again until the morning but I wanted to check up on her before I left." I inform him. I walk over to the monitor and check her vitals.

"Her vitals are stable. Hopefully she should make a full recovery." I say with a big smile.

"Thank you so much." Her dad says.

"It's no problem," I say. "Ok I'm going to head out. Have a good night and if you need me, the nurses have my number." I say and start to walk out.

"Are we bad parents?" I hear Jake ask me.


"Does this make us bad parents? Letting her get beat up. At school, which is arguably one of the safest places? Now she is in Intensive Care and I just, are we bad parents? Are we fit to be parents?" He asks with fear in his eyes. I walk towards him and sit in an empty chair across from him.

"Not too long ago, about two months, my daughter and her dad were in and accident. They are alright but does it make me a bad parent because I had to work and couldn't take her that day. Does it make her dad a bad dad because the driver of the other car that crashed into them was texting? No. It doesn't. Life is going to happen. There isn't anything that we can do to protect our children from it. We just have to love them with all of our hearts. That's what makes you a good parent and I know you are not a bad parent. Taking in a child that is not yours, that is incredibly honorable." I say. I can see that my words gave him some ease.

"Thank you Dr. Robbins. I needed to hear that." He said. I give him a big smile and stand up.

"Good night, Mr. Pierson." I say and walk out of the room. I head to the attending's lounge to get changed back into my clothes and head home. As I get my bag from my locker, Erica rushes in and puts her bag on the table. She doesn't notice that I'm in here.

"Why did you do that? Now what? You are gonna go talk to her? I say what? I want you back? No. I can't say that. Ugh. What did I do??" She starts talking to herself.

"Are you ok?" I say quietly and Erica screams.

"Oh my god!!! I didn't see you there. You scared me." Erica says and looks at me, trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry. You seem troubled." I says. I clearly heard what she said but she doesn't know that.

"Uh yea. I, uh, left and then I forgot my uh," she pauses and then looks around the room," I left my stethoscope here." She walks over the couch the grab the stethoscope.

"That's actually mine." I say.

"Oh! I guess so." She says.

"Is yours in your bag?" I ask.

"Yea. Probably. I am just so-"

"I understand. So where are you going now?" I say, trying to pry.

"I was thinking about hitting up Joes. Haven't been there in a while." She says.

"Sounds fun." I say. Que the awkward silence.

"Well I guess I'll be going." She finally says.

"I'll see you later." I say and go to the bathroom to change.

"Yea. See ya." And she walks out. After I change, I head to pick up Sofia from daycare and go home. I get to our front door and open it slowly.

"Callie? Are you here?" I yell out, hoping for an answer. I wait a couple minutes but I get nothing but I silence. I walk in and get Sofia out of her stroller and set her in her play pen. I walk over to Marks to see if she was there. He answers the door and looks less than happy to see me.

"Yes?" He says.

"Is Callie here? I really need to talk to her." I say.

"She isn't. She said she was going to grab some cloths but then never came back." He says. Where could she be? My mind thinks for a bit before I connect the dots. What was Erica talking about when she was talking to herself. What if she wants to talk to Callie?

"I need you to watch Sofia. I'll be right back" I say and run down the hallway.

"Where are you going?!?" I hear Mark yell.

"JOES!" I yell back. I hope I'm not right.

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