Chapter 6

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Arizona's POV: I saw Mark get rushed past outside the door so he must be going into surgery. We have to take Sofia up to get a CT.

She has calmed down now. Her pupils were a little sluggish but Derek was so busy with Mark he didn't get to check them so we brought her up to CT. When the scans came up, we discovered that she had some internal bleeding and a small brain bleed. Both of them were not emergent and if we waited, they could clot on their own.

We brought Sofia into the NICU and when she was asleep, I went to find Callie. I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked in the attendings lounge, the gallery, scrub room, cafeteria. No Callie. I went back down to the pit. I saw some one in the Trauma room that Mark was in. I went in to check to see who it was. It was Callie.

"There you are. How is Mark?" I asked her. She just stood there and stared into nothing.

"Callie? Hey. Look at me. Mark is going to be ok. He has the best surgeons working on him and he is going to be fine." She looked at me but I could tell she was still in shock.

"Let's go. You need some rest." I brought her up to an On-Call room and she went to sleep. I was going to go up to the gallery to watch Marks surgery. Before I made it to the gallery, my pager went off. "911 NICU"

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