Chapter 1

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(This story takes place after Callie and Arizonas wedding)
Chapter 1
Callies POV: I had gotten paged at 2:30 in the morning. That's never good. I made sure Sofia was asleep and I told Arizona, who was still half asleep, where I was going. I arrived at the hospital and Owen met me at the door.

"We have 3 kids who were in a car accident. One has a broken femur, another has two broken arms, and the other has multiple broken bones in his legs and arms." He told me.

"Ok. I'll get changed quick and I'll be in there in a bit" I said. Owen has been a really good friend. Ever since the accident, he always asks how I am feeling and how I am doing. It makes me feel good that someone cares. I got changed and rushed into Trauma Room One.

"What do we got?" I asked.

"Tracy Ken, age 20. Driver. The car was hit on her side. A broken femur and free fluid in her upper right quadrant." A nurse updated me.

"Ok. Page Dr. Bailey and call for a CT."

"Right away doctor" I moved onto the next patient.

"Jason Wend, age 19. Two broken arms. He was seated in the backseat when the car was hit. No stomach tenderness or brain injury." Said a nurse.

"Ok. All I need to do to these arms is to put them in casts. You are very lucky, Jason." I said to the patient.

"Thank you. How are my friends?" Jason asked.

"I just checked in with Tracy. She is on her way up to get a CT. She will need surgery for her leg for sure but I am not sure about her other injuries. We will update you when we find out more." I said with a calm voice.
"And what about David?" Jason asked.

"I haven't been in to see him yet but both of his legs and arms are broken. I will update you when I know more." I told him.
"Thank you Dr. Torres."

"No problem" I walked out and went into to check on David.

"Charge again to 300! Clear!" Dr. Grey yelled. "No sign of change. Starting compressions again!"

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"He went into v-tac" Grey said.

"How long?"

"20 minutes. Charge again to 300! Clear!" David still wasn't responding. There was no saving him.

"Call it Grey" I said.

"Time of death 3:30."

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