Chapter 22

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Hey guys ✌🏻️ Another personal note: If you want to follow some of my other social medias, I have a Greys account (@greysanatomy.thetalkisgood) and a personal account (@_karterjean) and I have a Twitter (@GreysTheTalk). If you want to give me suggestions, I was thinking about doing One Shots, so send me some ideas and I will try to make a short story

Callie's POV: I read the letter that was slipped under my door and then throw it on the counter along with my phone and purse. I make my way over to the couch and sit down. I sit in quiet and think. Why? After all these years. Why now? I think to myself. Why does she want to talk? Talking is never just talking. I've moved on. I need to tell her that. In person. I stand up, grab my phone and purse and head towards the door. I stop and walk back to grab the letter. If Arizona ever finds out about this, it will be WWIII, i think then head out the door. As I walk out of the apartment building, I turn down the street and head towards Joe's. What am I going to say? Should I have a speech prepared? What if she does? I'm so into my thoughts, I don't see Owen in front of me.

"Woah!" Owen says and grabs my shoulders.

"Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention." I say.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Arizona were talking." He says. I look at him and scrunch my eyebrows.

"How do you know we were going to talk?" I ask him

"I-I uh. Arizona may have uh mentioned something like that." He says nervously.

"God damn. Can she keep anything to herself?" I ask frustratingly.

"It's not her fault. I heard your phone conversation with her." Owen says. I shake my head. We are quiet for a bit. "So why aren't you at home?" He asks

"I uh need to talk to someone. Why are you here?"

"Teddy wanted to have some drinks. Wanna join us afterwards?" He asked

"I probably am gonna need some drinks after this conversation." I say and head in with Owen following behind. I stand at the door and search the crowd of drunk and buzzed people. I see her blonde hair and head toward her. As I am getting closer, I start to think twice. She turns around and spots me and I notice a look of relief in her eyes.

"Callie. I didn't think you would come. I'm glad you did, I really wanted to-" I cut her off.

"Erica. I am married. Happily. I-i don't want to get back together. I honestly don't know why you would think that I would want to." I say and I instantly feel like an ass. I just broke her heart. I feel bad and then I realize that this is the same thing she did to me all those years ago. Crushing my heart and leaving me in the dust. Karma is a bitch.

"I'm sorry." She says quietly. "I'm gonna leave."

"I think that's a good idea." I say. She picks up her stuff and leaves without another word. I let out a sigh of relief then look for Owen and Teddy. I see them staring in my direction. Once they see me spot them, they try and make it look like they weren't spying on me. I head over to them and laugh.

"You two are horrible spies." I joke and order a shot of tequila.

"That looked painful." Teddy says and takes a sip of her drink.

"Trust me, it was." I sit down on a bar stool and down my shot. "Another please."

"So... How's your day going? Bad I'm guessing," Teddy says. I give her look and she doesn't ask anymore. Eight more shots of tequila and I'm feeling very good. My favorite song comes on and I drag Owen on the dancer floor with me while Teddy laughs. I'm having a great time and then I spot my wife at the door.

"ARIZONA! COME DANCE WITH ME." I yell and her eyes widen.

"Callie? What are you doing?" She says as she walks over to me.

"I'm dancing with Owen. Can't you tell?" I slur.

"I see that. Where is Erica?" She asks. My drunken brain doesn't question how she knows about Erica but I answer her anyways.

"She is gone. Like the wind. That's a good movie. We should watch it." I say and then giggle.

"Ok. Im gonna take you home." She says, half laughing and half mad. Teddy hands her my stuff and Arizona wraps her arm around mine. My insides feel all warm and tingly and I don't think it's from the alcohol.

"BYE TEDDY! I love you. And I love you too Owen!" I yells as Arizona walks me out of the bar. I don't remember the walk home but I remember Arizona taking my shoes off and tucking me into bed.

"You're a good wife. I'm not really sure why I wasn't even mad at you. I think it was because I was confused about Erica and I was taking it out on you." I say, sleepily and drunkly.

"I'm not having this conversation until you're sober," Arizona laughs and pulls the covers over me. She kisses me on the forehead and starts to head towards the door.

"Wait. Come lay with me." I say. She turns around, thinks for a bit and then walks over to her side of the bed. She changes into sweatpants and a tank top and then climbs into bed with me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. "I'm sorry Arizona. Drunk or sober, I'm sorry." I say.

"I know. I'm sorry too" she says quietly. She turns to face me. "I love you Calliope."

"I love you too," I say. She cups her hand around my cheek and kisses me. Then snuggles closer to me and we both fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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