Chapter 17

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Deep breathes take a deep breath.

I told myself as tears were falling down my cheeks. I couldn't stop myself just by seeing him with her. The one who betrayed him let him down and broke his feelings.

"Hey you okay in there?" Someone asked.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat.

"I'm fine" I said flushing the toilet to not draw anymore attention.

"Okay" she said and left.

I leaned back onto the stall and closed my eyes wanting to run away and never come back at this moment.

I can't get over him. It's like an affect he left on me. Like an aftertaste I can't get rid of.

I finally manage to get myself together and walked out checking myself in the mirror. My eyes were a bit puffy so I grabbed some of my eyedrops and put a few drips in them to make the redness go away and it did.

I fixed myself up and walked out bumping into him.

Our eyes locked being speechless so I gazed back to the floor and tried to walk away until he got a hold of my wrist.

"Look I'm sorry for the things I said back at time square" he began as my back was turned towards him.

"I really don't want to talk about it, just like you said I'm too judgmental" I quoted his words and pulled my wrist back to myself and walked back to my table.

"Hey I just got a call about an interview and they want to meet right away so I told the waiter to put your food to pack it up to go" my mom said putting her wallet away in her purse.

I felt so relieved to the fact that we were leaving.

"Nova" I heard him call out.

"Mom can we leave now" I rushed her.

"But that b--"

"Yea I know I'm trying to avoid him" I said holding back tears.

"Here you go have a nice day" that waiter said and left.

My mom got worried and we walked out quickly to our car and sat inside. She handed me a tissue making me chuckle a bit.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" She asked.

"Yes as soon as you start driving out of here" I said and so she started the car and I began to explain on how I met him and skipped the part of me staying out late at night running around the city without her permission.

"He was too good to be true" I said looking out the window.

"He's stupid, his loss. Nova your beautiful and loyal if a guy can't handle that than he's an idiot to let someone like you go" she continued on driving paying attention to the road.

"What would I do without you mum?" I smiled slightly at her. She did the same grabbing one my hand and rubbed it with her right thumb softly.


"You sure you'll be okay?" She asked for the 40th time.

"I can handle myself now go before your late" I told my mom as she left me at the café and finally decided to leave.

"Nova what can you tell us about Shawn?" Someone came up to me.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I said as he got up all on me taking pictures very closely.

"Is it true he's a bad boy because of you?" Someone else came out of nowhere.

"Are you a bad influence towards him?" Another asked.

Soon I had around ten paparazzi surrounded me throwing me questions on how I'm bad for Shawn and not good enough for him.

"Can you please leave me alone?" I asked making my way through.

"Your a bad influence to be around Shawn!" Someone yelled and suddenly I felt myself turn to them angrily.

"I'm a bad influence?! How about the cheating of a girlfriend he has gotten back together with?!" I confess.

"Do you feel something toward him?" Another asked.

"No! He's no one to me now and I don't want nothing to do with him is that all you guys wanted? Great now go make an article out of it!" I said and walked into the cafe into the locker room.

"Woah what was that?" Sam asked.

"Nothing" I said walking to the locker room sitting down on the bench and she left to get back to work.

At that moment I realized I needed to move on from Shawn. He wasn't coming back. I'm stupid to think he was going to come back to me so we could be together but we can never work out. He picked her and I need to accept that decision he made.

I put my hair in a pony tail and apron on and continued on with my life as it was before.

"Good Afternoon I'm your waiter Nova how can I serve you today?" I put on a strong smile.


So we hit 2 thousands reads! 100 votes! I'm screaming lol. But in all seriousness thank you beautiful, gorgeous creature. Honestly means a lot to me and encourages me to write more. 💙

Thank you once again x.

Aftertaste | S. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now