Ch. 10 ~ Last goodbye

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Alan's POV

At first I wanted to stay hidden, to erase my existence for at least the time when Ayan's mom was here but when I heard him making up lies just to save my neck, I decided to come out of my shell and properly introduce myself to her... she deserves to know how amazing her son is and that his presence saved life of one heartbroken adult.

"Ma'am, I... I want to explain what happened." She looked at me and checked me up and down, then she smiled.

"Please tell me, you look really mature and I don't think my disobeying son would tell me the whole truth."

"Mom!" She pinched his ear to quiet him down and I sat on of the chairs. Then I took a deep breath and played with my fingers under the table.

"Please forgive him... that he was in jail. It's my fault, I... my ex-boyfriend didn't stop invading my life and I..." My heart was beating as fast as when I was confessing the whole situation to the officer. I didn't notice that she put her hand on my shoulder and warmly smiled.

"Dear, you are all trembling. If it's so hurtful, you don't have to suffer like this... Ayan will tell me." I shook my head. I did it once so why telling her was such a problem now?

"You know... my ex-boyfriend was harassing me for a longer time and Ayan was the one to help me... he just wanted to protect me by fighting my ex and he had to be arrested because of it..." I clasped my hands together. "I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE DON'T BLAME HIM!!" I bowed down my head and closed my eyes.

When I managed to open one of my eyes, I saw her smiling and she gave a proud look to Ayan.

"Oh so it's like this... I'm so relieved... but I'm very sorry about what happened to you! I was just afraid that my son got involved in something very bad! However... he protected you just like I taught him to help people in need. This makes me very happy!" I saw her hugging him and felt like my knees gave under. I felt so nervous that she'd be upset with me, involving her son in my issues but she's as great as him...

"Ma! Don't embarrass me!"

"Oh, you even dare to talk back to your mom after what you've done?"

"You said you are proud!"

"When exactly? I'm proud of myself for raising you well." I had to cover my laugh with my hand. They are both the same.

When she let him go, she looked for my hands under the table to hold them and look at me.

"Dear, you must have had it really hard right now and I'm sorry for bringing Ayan with me but I hope you understand my worries. However, you can visit him whenever you want. I just want to keep an eye on his studying so he could follow his dream and have a great future." I smiled.

"You are very kind, Ma'am, but I won't disturb him during his preparation for his final exams. I, myself, know how stressful it is. In university it'll be even tougher for him but I'm sure he'll make it. I have to focus on my work as well now. I'm fine, don't worry." I'm fine... how many times did I say this?

I could also see how from excitement Ayan's smile went to disappointment.

"Oh my, is it too rude to ask how old are you?"

"I'm 28... I know you may be against our age gap and I was against it too until I realized that age doesn't mean anything when it comes to the qualities of people."

"Ten years... but at least you know what you want from your life. You wouldn't be someone who'd end the relationship in few weeks." I gulped... I know she's making sure I wouldn't just use Ayan to sleep with him but I'm not even someone who's able of it... I'm more concerned about Ayan who's young and can choose someone way better than me...

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now