Ch. 11 ~ Therapy for your love (15+)

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Ayan's POV

It was Tuesday and I already couldn't wait to see Alan again!! Just a few hours and I'll get to see his face...

"Ayan? Are you still studying?" I looked at my empty notes as I was too focused on daydreaming about my love.

"Yes, I am!"

"Don't overdo it! Four hours are enough!!"

"Khab!" I grabbed my pen and quickly studied the notes Wat sent me on my computer. I liked social studies the most but Teacher Waree was making me go crazy. I just... liked to understand more to be even wiser than those old farts thinking they know everything. I felt also proud watching the news and understanding everything they talk about there and think that's where I should aim. Either politics or law but if I became lawyer, I'd have to defend even people who are absolutely wrong and deserve the worst punishment which I really hate. I don't think I'd have the choice to choose my clients or reject them because I don't like them so I'd rather become a politician and try to make this state better. Telling my personal opinions and disagreement in the government and representing the people. To be better than those dinosaurs there.

It was already eight pm and I waited to Alan's message. Right after I finished studying, my phone let me know I have a new notification and I saw Alan's nickname I gave him on it with heart.

"Since I've studied for a long time today, I wanted a reward and this time I decided to call him. He was still on his phone since he immediately picked up.

"Hey babe."

"Ayan... could you call me something different?" Oh, right.


"That's embarrassing..." Not for me.

"Okay, babygirl, I just wanted to ask if you didn't forget about our promise."

"Of course not, I was already at my work and told them I need to leave earlier on Wednesday. You know... I felt really happy. Like I was returning back to my old casual life and doing my job I'm good at."

"Hmm, tell me more. I love to listen to your voice." He chuckled and I moved to my bed. Without thinking, I unzipped my jeans and showed my hands in my boxers.

"Well, at first I needed to get adjusted to the place and also my colleagues. They already showed me my schedule with clients who will be asking for my help about their financial situation..."

"Hmm more..." I didn't know if he heard my slight moaning when I was just squishing my balls.

"I've also received many folders with the clients who are coming here for a longer time to take a look at their financial situation. I studied the first client whose name I had on my schedule."

"Anything caught your interest? Hmm..." I was just massaging my penis with my fingers when he thought about my question.

"Just that... I don't know if I can tell you but since you don't know the name... one man was about to get married but one day before his wedding his company went bankrupt and colleagues told me his fiance didn't hesitate to say no in front of the priest. His cousin, who works here, told us..." I giggled while I was already wanking my cock and was about to ejaculate. I laid my phone next to my ear and my left hand reached for the napkins on my nightstand.

"And my first client-."

"~Angh! ... haah..." I groaned when the cum came out of my tip right into the napling. Oh Fuck...

"So are you done jerking off?" I innocently laughed and answered.

"Yes yes, I am."

"Good, now you owe me a favor."

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now