Ch. 24 ~ Love quarrel (18++)

336 22 17

Alan's POV

I had to return to the work on Tuesday as I couldn't afford to take more sick days if I wanted to get a whole week off for our vacation. My secretary couldn't postpone my meetings with the clients anymore and Sally could not read my clients' documentary during her shift. I had to return but what shocked me when I came back...

"Why didn't you tell me you are going to work here?" I looked at the young naughty man sitting on my desk.

"Sally called you last night when you weren't available. She said: "Thank God it's you! You must help us! Our secretary got sick after overworking herself and there's no one to replace her now!". I could not reject her when she sounded so hopeless and... I get to stay with you." That's what I was afraid of.

"Our secretary usually stays in her own office."

"Yeah but your secretary didn't have an affair with one of you... in this office." His hand was reaching mine but I didn't let him touch me.

"We are at work currently. Both of us, it's good for you to learn how to behave but I still think you should stay at home and rest." His smile faded away.

"So you don't want me here... I thought you'd like this surprise."

"No! No, it's not like that! Is it because you feel anxious when you don't see me around?" He slowly nodded and I grabbed his hand.

"You know I always come home after work, there's nothing to worry about."

"You are driving your car to work, that can be dangerous as well. Is it wrong that I want to keep a check on you?"

"Didn't you already install the app where you can see where the other one is?" He stayed quiet. Of course he did that... I loved him but this was... frustrating. As if he didn't trust me at all.

"Ayan... aren't you worried... that for this behavior... you could be hospitalized? Even I didn't feel like this when Wen was gone. I felt nervous but not to this extend." He bit his lips and clenched his fists.

"I know my behavior is beyond normal... I admit it but seeing you healthy just relieves me. When I see you are all fine, I don't have to feel suffocated by my worries." I smiled and stroked his cheek.

"I'm grateful for your unlimited love and care but you have to put more trust in me. I already can take care of myself, be careful, focus on driving to not get into an accident and not causing unnecessary conflicts." He put his hand on mine.

"I trust you but not your surroundings. You can come across some problems like a crazy drunk driver on the road, assholes looking for fights, arrogant clients holding grudge against you... I just want to make sure none of this happens and that I can protect you all the time just like before." My weakness during that time must have caused this. How can I prove him that I don't need his protection anymore? Or that it can be me who can protect him now?

I grabbed his chin to give him one sweet kiss before my phone rang to let me known my clients should be coming.

"Go to the reception now, clients should be waiting there for their meetings with us. You are new so rather ask them with whom they have a meeting, alright?" He nodded and got off my desk finally.

A few minutes later, I've got my first client but I didn't expect Ayan would be waiting in front of the door. Is it because it was a beautiful young woman even though he knew my orientation very well?

"Hello Ms. Punfai, last time we talked about your debts due to your problem with..." I looked at Ayan to make sure he was not listening. "... gambling. Have you called to the centre which should help you with your issue?"

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now