Ch. 13 ~ Young love

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Ayan's POV

I felt really great today as it was the first morning when I could tell that Alan is my boyfriend. I even complimented Teacher Waree and Akk with Khan and Wat watched me with their jaws dropped.

I paid attention to all of my classes and felt even excited for studying because I knew that after that Alan would text me or even call me and we could talk just like we did on Tuesday but after I finished all of my classes and headed to my car, my phone kept ringing.

"Why would he call so soon? Is he missing me so much?" I smiled and picked it up.

I wanted to tell him about my day but when I heard his crying, I needed to know what happened... who made my boyfriend cry? I was furious!

When I learned he was forced to go to the police station again and meet Wen, I had the urge to shout at all of them there and get into a fight but then he told me to not yell and I realized I needed to stay calm... to not make it worse.

I drove there and came in but they had the nerves to stop me.

"Wait! What are you doing here?!"

"Let me in! My boyfriend was called here for interrogation but he doesn't feel well!" I was deadly serious and in the end they let me go but just because they knew I belonged to Alan. I didn't know where to go but luckily I knew where Alan would go when he was sad. I came across a restroom for the employees and the doors were opened so I walked in and Alan immediately pulled me down so he could hug me. I knelt down to him and held him so tightly. What could happen that he has broken down so badly?!

"Shh... it's okay, Alan... I'm here..." I was stroking his back and he was lying on my lap. He couldn't talk as he was barely able to breathe and I waited till he would calm down.

My hand was running through his hair and he was sobbing on my pants.

"... he called me... he called me a liar..." I knew immediately about whom he was talking about. The nerves that the bastard had!

"That's absurd, Alan... no one would believe him, don't worry."

"... I meant nothing to him..." It reminded me of the conversation we had when I almost kissed him for the first time and so I knew what I should do.

"You definitely meant... in the past... definitely... but now it's me who'd travel around the world just to find you." He grabbed my hand and cuddled me. Damn, he looked so cute, like a baby.

"I love you, Alan, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you-."

"Stop it!" He put his hand on my mouth and giggled. I was glad he finally laughed and grabbed him into my arms.

"Hmm, I missed you so much."

"We hugged yesterday."

"That's not enough! I'd hug you for a whole day!" He slightly pulled away and then smacked his lips against mine. I didn't expect it but these surprises were the best.

We kept sucking each other's lips and he moved me closer to him but as he was getting on my top, my head hit the cold tiles and my head hurt.

"Ouch! Let's rather... continue somewhere else." He nodded and helped me up while I was still stroking my head. I grabbed his hand and then walked out with him but we just came across two weird dudes. One with a stupid smug on his face and the other one looked pretty old but had a nice tan skin. He's nothing compared to my Alan though.

"Khun! We were looking for you! The culprit was really nasty to you but it was pretty much expected. Don't take it too much personally. These guys lie just to save their necks but in the end the truth is always revealed. Anyways, I've got good news for you."

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now