Ch. 17 ~ Reunion

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Ayan's POV

Fortunately... I managed to gather my friends for the celebration. It was hard, especially with Akk, Mr. Perfectionist who told me we don't know if we graduated yet so there's no reason to celebrate anything. Besides Khan, we all had top grades so there was nothing to worry about and Khan was tortured by his boyfriend anyway to pass the final exam, he just had to be negative again. Chon had to be on his period or something else which would stop them from sleeping together... oh! Diarrhea!

I booked a table in Cafe for all for twelve people. For my babe Alan and me, annoying Akk and sweet Chon, goofy Khan and strict Wat, Chon's friends - Miriam, Pang, Ai and Nai, our teacher who treats us as friends Sani and Alan's colleague Sally.

I did it right after I woke up in pain... very big pain and Al rushed to buy an ointment for me. We were still at the hotel to have our breakfast but sitting was a hell for me so I awkwardly bent one of my legs to sit on it and relieve the pain.

"Sorry, sorry..." Alan was eating while I was glaring at him. I was mad! My friends will make a fun of me! But I planned it all too late and my self-control was as bad as his... I was just making circles in my soup and then ate it.

"Ayan... don't be angry." He reached for my hand and I couldn't be mad for too long. In the end... we were both to blame.

"It's okay... It's my fault as well but next time I'll listen to you about the pillow... my dick is way too inconsiderate to my ass-."

"Aye!" He shut my mouth as we were eating among many people. That didn't matter. The walls weren't soundproof. I'm sure they heard my pain anyways.

"But it hurts, Alan..." I was sulking and he was massaging my palm.

"I won't let it happen again, I promise."

"So no marathon?" He shook his head. No! I want him! Just not the pain between my thighs!

"Still... you wouldn't be able to control yourself if I surprised you at work again." He nervously chuckled. I was goddamn right.

"No one could... you were so sexy there, I couldn't help it." I smirked and teased him again. And that's how we always fail to control ourselves but I love teasing him, blame me.

I was licking my spoon and seductively looking at him. He had to take off his glasses and cover his eyes with his palm.

"Stop doing this..."

"No, Alan, you decided to bang a ten years younger man, it's your karma." He digged his face into his arms on the table. Now people weren't awkwardly looking at me but at him, perfect, I wasn't the weird one in the end.

After he paid for our breakfast, he drove us to the cafe. My teasing made him hold my thigh in the car and also my shorts which were revealing my tattoo. I was still amazed how he managed to pay attention to the road and not look at me even once. He wanted to be extra careful.

"We are here, do you want help?" I nodded and he helped me to get out from the car. It reminded me how I was taking care of him when his wrist was broken.

"Hmm, should I carry you there among your friends?"

"You'd do that?!" He didn't expect such a reaction. This was not embarrassing. This was bragging about my strong boyfriend. Something Akk can't have.

"Okay, get on my back." I nodded and jumped at him immediately. He still had enough energy to carry me in and my friends were looking at us like at two weirdos. Even Chon's weird friends.

"Psst, Miriam, take a picture of it, I'll use it later."

"I already snapped a photo." Those girls were whispering while Sally whispered something to Teacher Sani and she gasped.

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now