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'the taller you stand the mosre you grow'

we look at trees, they could be planted from a houndred years ago and they still stand tall.

you are that tree think of it that way the whole way down to your roots and some day you will bloom.

your as strong as the trunk and as delicut as the leaves and as beautiful as the flowers surrounding it.

i doubt myself alot and i can't  lie i wish i could be happy all of the time. time heals all things.

broken twigs and they grow back thicker and stronger.

every aspect of myself is beautiful, i dont really care what you think of me i will grow and i wont stop till im the best person i can be.

after all the world would be pretty boring if we were all the same.

when you bring a horse to a well you cant make it drink.

just like plants we need room, sunlight and water to grow.

when i  was a i kid i loved being outside, now as an adult i wish i could get out a little more often.

you would have seen me maybe five or six years old, picking out weeds in the garden, making daisy chains or getting scolded for pricking my finger on a rose bush.

now im twenty and couldn't keep a cactis alive if I tried .

fake it till you make it I say so fake plants will do me rightly.

the stories and games we played as kids, I think back to them a lot the good times. 

why did we stop?

was it because I grew out of them?

or was it simply because they grew with me?

they say you grow out of a lot of things but I believe in peter pan so im a child a heart.

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