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I miss home.

when you are younger you cant wait but to move out and be independent, I know I was but now I miss home.

I only left a few days ago, but this house dosnt feel like home to me.

no pitter patter of feet no singing no talking and no laughter so as we speak im headed home, I know I can live by myself now but I cant live with the silence of the walls of this place.

I used to believe that a house my house was just a place to sleep, how wrong was I?

I miss everything about my childhood home, so I hopped in a plane and im heading to where my heart lies. Derry.

when I touched down in Belfast airport a few tears left my eyes and a weight lifted from my shoulders.

the bus journey was decent, two hours but let us all be honest when you miss home you couldn't care how long it took you to get there.

it was near midnight when I got home, all my family waiting for me to get in the door. I walked in like I got dragged through a bush backwards, hair everywhere which direction it pleases. my clothes smelly from the flight and the journey, a pizza box and a bag of fries in my hand plus the two suit cases the taxi man had to take out of the boot.

I was home, and damn that felt good. your probably wondering what happened so let me back track to a month before all of this.

I got accepted to work in Spain for a month and if I did well I would get offered a years contract so me being so excited to go I was amazed I got it. so I packed my bags and I left I stayed a total of ten days before I had came home. you could say I got a little home sick.

so back to what I was saying I got home a mess and crumbled into my moms arms and by god I missed the feeling of being hugged, I realised that yes Ireland may not have the best jobs going for its self but it difenitly had something that Spain didn't have for me. family.

I missed the bunk bed that I always slept in because a twin bed had to much room for just one person, it didn't have the morning rain and it certaintly didn't have Irish food.

the next day since I slept like a baby, I asked my mom to make a stew and later that night I ordered batter sausages, chips and gravy.

my sister was a little confused of why I was back do early a free holiday but it really wasn't, for me it was like walking into hell with no clothes on so I was so sun burnt because I am not used to the sun. I looked like I had 70 degree burns but yet my skin was still as white as snow.

I visted all my friends a few days after and by god that was the funniest thing ever, faith came back with a sexy Latino in her suitcase I wonder if she is as pretty as faith said she was.

I finally made it home and I realised I didn't need what Spain can give or wanted to give me the only thing that I needed was love and I ain't moving anywhere without all my crazy ass people.

so let me say this now that I am home I am not going anywhere but home where I have lived all my life and where I was born, the grass will always look greener on the other side but greener fields look greener.

Ireland has the greenest fields ever so ill stick to gods country and even through I enjoyed everything I realised what I really don't like:

things I don't like!

1, flying

2, fish

3, the sun


5, the smell of sun cream

6, other countries that isn't Ireland

7, money

8, cockroaches

9, bikinies

10, anywhere that isn't my home!!!

so yes call me picky but I can truly say that I will not be going on holiday unless its in Donegal or Buncrana, so the question lingers in my mind of what made me go, honestly I don't know but what Dorothy said out of the Oz, "there is no place like home"

she was so right.

life through my eyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ