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I am a masked cosplayer on tiktok, I love it honestly you feel like a different person.

people might find it weird, I honestly don't care what people think of me.

so far for those who don't know what cosplay is, its basically when you dress up as a character.

I do this on tiktok because it makes you forget your problems for a while.

I have made so many friends on tiktok, the only thing I would say is online safety is a big thing that's why I tend to hide my identity, a secret.

faith isn't my name on it though, its tiny since I am quite small. the art that goes into cosplay is fascinating.

speaking of art, I was at an art gallery today as I was passing through town. the sense of art thrills me, then I ask myself shower thoughts.

what made them come up with the idea? how did the art come together? is it happy or sad?

art comes in different forms, writing is art, painting and drawing is of course art.

you can create art at anytime and at any place that's the beauty in it.

so for my cosplay I do ghost from call of duty with my skull mask on.

black eyeshadow all over my eyes, its easy and fun.

you will always get bad comments but who cares when your having fun.

do what you enjoy doing because you wont regret it, if it isn't for you then change hobby. as long as its not for somebody else's benefit. 

the only person you need to impress is yourself.

you will realise that as a woman I dress up as a man, and some men dress up as women.

I love it because im free to be who I want to be and behind the mask I am comfortable.

I realise cosplay isn't for everyone but what can you do you cant please everyone.

be who YOU want to be and more importantly be YOURSELF.

there is nobody better at being you than YOU.

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