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we all enjoy a good laugh now and again, when our smiles reach our eyes and they sparkle. some people don't experience this a lot but I do, I go through it a lot.

I struggle a lot with my emotions, happiness being one of the main ones. I don't understand what or who makes me happy and that question lingers in my head why am I not like the others?

is it because I don't get the joke or is it that I just simply get along with the crowd?

the laughter that I have is, my tv shows and my family and friends. we could have our own comedy show at times. I cant keep a straight face when something serious happens, this was this one time that me and my sister got into a massive fight and launched each other down the stairs, she had a head injury and I had two broken ankles. 

the doctors thought that because of the pain that we were in that we would stop argueing and the funny thing was it was over pringles fucking pringles. (it was my sour cream and onion) so by the end of the day my uncle had to pick us back up after still being in the same room and threating to kill each other with the can. 

my mom is the worst for my unexpected laughter, when she's angry at something its like the hulk with an Irish accent. well I snigger I don't full on laugh but she notices I swear to god she has eyes at the back of her head and ears like an eagle there was this once time, I may have nearly fell down the stairs from laughter when she hit her head with a brush that was on the cabinet, as soon as she opened the door it hit her straight in the head. 

I am funny because I laugh at my own jokes but the one time I actually have it on video but I will not let your amazing eyes see this accident, it actually happened a few months ago. on my break I went to go and get my lunch with a friend and we decided on the most stupidest idea of where to eat. a bird park. so there I was eating my sandwich happy as life its self and then I got attacked by like 700 piegons. I can not lie they are the scariest things in the work. I broke my ankle that day trying to run away it didn't work.

everyone has funny stories that they still laugh so hard that they are crying and then they think they have a broken rib. 

so if your ever having a bad day please take my advice. DONT THINK THAT YOU CAN GO TO BIRD PARKS WITH FOOD YOU WILL BE ATTACKED!!!!

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