
14 0 0

they tell us to drink two liters of water a day. we can survive off that but you can also drown with that much.

i dont tend to drink water that much, actually i never do.

you need more than just water to survive and thats what dietians dont understand.

when i hit fourteen i wanted to be skinny like the other girls my age,so the only solution in my mind was starvation.

that didnt work so then came water fasting.

water fasting didnt work for me in the slightests, i was so annoyed at the fact that celebrities and other people it was working for so why didnt not work for me.

so i gave up on all that and then eat what i wanted.

 sports became my water after that i pushed my self so hard that after i couldnt look at stairs for three days after.

three to four hours at the gym, half an hour walk and then an hour jog. 4 days a week i did this.

my goal at this stage wasnt weight loss it was to gain muscil .

if you didnt know how far my city to my village was its about a twenty minute car drive, i sprinted and made it to the end in fourty minutes.

i started collage, working and the gym and soon all the weight dropped off me.

water and fatty foods was important in the bulking proccess not that i couldnt eat what i wanted anyway i just burned everything off.

bottles of water everywhere, i drank so much of it at one stage i threw it all back up again.

that's when I realised water really wasn't for me.

ice coffee was :)

life through my eyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin