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"faith turn that music off"

my mom is shouting from me up stairs, my music taste isn't bad, but of course I would say that.

I enjoy loud music, the more bass the better.

I tent to listen to 80's and 90's rock and 2000's rap, I love a bit of linkin park, limp buzkit to 50 cent and tupac.

noise cancelling headphones on nearly all the time, dancing in my underwear and a very baggy jumper.

 outside I just kinda bop my head, tap my leg or scream the lyrics in my head.

the only person who I enjoy country music with now would be my big sister ellie, shes a few years older.

ellie, my nana and I would sing and dance in the kitchen on sundays now me and ellie do it to luke combs.

me and uncle would (when drunk) would sing to the 80's bands metalica, iron maiden and poison till our hearts are content.

my baby sister and I even though she is three would spin in circles to the arctic monkeys and the neighbour hood.

me and my mom whatever is on the radio is what we would listen to, that's what its always been. nothing specific, that's what annoys me we hate each others music.

is that bad? would we enjoy each other a little more after?

music brings everyone together.

there is times that you can relate to the lyrics, you can feel the emotion, chills and even yourself.

people listens to all different types of music, in my eyes music is like a chapter the lyrics being whats being said with background noise.

you don't feel so alone when you look out of a window on a bus and notice how many people are wearing headphones,

do they feel lonely? do they feel at peace? or simply do they enjoy it?

what music do you listen to is the main question we all ask someone who we have just met, sometimes they like the same music as you do.

music brings people all together because it dosn't matter what age, gender or race you are, everyone is welcomed and when music is involved all of that is forgotten.

that's the way it should have always been.

sing your heart out and dance will you have no air because the present is a gift and that gift is today

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