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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the world is full of nature, mother nature. we are taught from a young age about the weather. from raindrops down a windshield to trees that breath in the bad stuff of the world and give us life.

roads to lead you home or to a destination that you don't know, or an empty road which you don't know where you will end up.

wind mills that give us power by wind and solar power from the sun shine all natural elements, from mountains with the animals that live there and have there own families, forests and wild life that grows with the trees and the wild animals that grow with them.

the cars that is on the same lane as you but on a completely different journey, each person a family member and will soon create there own little family.

in us humans it is the same, life is a journey. a journey to love yourself, no matter how many obstacles are thrown your way. that you can move mountains, that you can be yourself. the only person who is stopping your from doing what you want to do in life is yourself.

the world is full of possibilities.

mother nature has created everybody differently, different things that I like you may not like and that is totally ok.

its the same with our bodies we all have different eye, hair and skin colour that's what makes us beautiful. we all have different heights and weights, that's what makes us gorgeous. no matter what is "different" about us we are all beautiful.

body positivity is something we all need to know whatever age we are and we will learn to love us as  we are. even me myself have a lot to learn. confidence is key, weather it is speaking to people, meeting new ones or simply just yourself.

the thing with confidence is you need to be confident enough that you believe that you could do anything.

my mom always told me 'mind over matter' and that's exactly what it is, if you don't have faith in yourself you cant expect anybody else to have faith in you.

the main person who you have to make believe in your bluff is your mind, your mind will tell you that you cant do it. PROVE IT WRONG!!

I recommend listening to Kenny Rodgers the gambler, he teaches you how to play your cards in life right.

you have to build yourself up like a house, have a base and have lots of bricks to protect you.

the thing is I had a lot of people encourage me with my self- esteem and writing this book, a lot of mental break downs have happened because I didn't feel like I and the book that you are reading wasn't good enough.


the ocean is a deep dark place and so is the mind, you have to find your confidence and with that comes mother nature.

I remember when I was little I used to think that mother nature and the man in the moon was together, married. I mean am I wrong?

she gives us a sense of direction and the man in the moon helps us see our way.

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