Achieve entry set

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Achieve file entry one: Tom and Jerry (2021)

The 2021 Tom and Jerry movie is to most way better then the 1993 not everyone liked Tom and Jerry being able to talk, the movie has been set in New York with a VIP waiting on a five-star hotel and well you can get the idea when it comes to these two.

Sidenote: The past made Ford DVD Tom and Jerry movies are basically any versions of known Water by the films with the last one being on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory but the Johnny Quest one is what really stands out with a Wizard of Oz for personal reasons.

Achieve entry two: Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim is a good ol giant robot Kaiju fight movie my only issue with it is that what they call Jaguar I made from Expendable material even if they could stand up in a fight but their flaws can get them torn up easily as for the kai Jews they go in a class system from one to five you know Ozzy I thought that being Alpha leader like any other animal group the class five you is the nearest I can see to be an alpha.

Sidenote on the series: the follow-up Uprising had made some improvements on the Jaguar but they are still expendable and then there's the Netflix series Pacific Rim black not much that interests me apart from the Australian setting and overall I have little to do with the movie.

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