File update: Moon girl and devil Dinosaur

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(Footnote:The following is almost on the entire second season of moon girl and devil dinosaur 15 episodes to be clear, hey they we're on Disney on demand.)

Ovalsan log: the let say the first half moon girl and devil Dinosaur second season have many exciting moments like with the first one starting with the finale of the first season left off then there's kid Kenn and three yard sale related origin stories on three new characters don't personally know nor if they will be added in the Marvel roster at this time.

Now one of the first episode that I personally noticed is the one is when lunella AKA Moon girl have the transport villain who's being hunted by who was called lady bullseye not the learning that not all villains are evil it kind of made me think of the Marvel Hulu series Modok and it really made him look like a joke I know that's the point but even if he can be redeemed they're still beat those that will see him as a villain and only a villain no matter what.

One last thing after the whole molecule man thing her mom have Luna never be Moon girl again I know that was traumatic and all but that won't make the villains go away and if you ask me with only 7 to 8 episodes to go the results of that parental action could have major consequences like those that may come out of the Woodworks once word get out.

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