September 13th, 2017

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"You can never recreate memories with the same people, same place and same feelings as the first time. Maybe you still have the same friend and the same house, but you're not 12 dancing in your best friend's basement anymore. You're 19 cruising your way through college. You can never go back to that same place, same exact time, same exact day and same exact year. Every moment only happens once in your entire lifetime. You also realize how long ago that was. So many things have happened since then. But yet so little things have changed. So many moments have been put into your life since then. And ever since that moment I was 12 dancing in my best friend's basement, so many things have happened, but that doesn't mean I'll forget how I felt in that exact moment. Moral of the story is, always enjoy the moment where you are, what you're doing and who you're with because you'll never be in this same exact moment ever again." - journal entry 9.13.17

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