December 19th, 2017

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My mindset just suddenly changed one day. My perspectives. My constant self-talks and motivational interactions with people. I found myself loving to write in a journal and loving to think A LOT. And for the last few months, yeah, I just haven't felt like myself. I still have the same perspectives and such. But I just lack the consistent inspiring n creative n beautiful mindset. I always own up to my mistakes, but ever since I realized there's been something missing, I've tried putting the blame on other people. For my mistakes. For my changes and not making me feel like "me". At the end of the day, it was no one's decisions, but my own. I let them change me. It's not a bad thing. I just haven't felt like myself. I'm always going to strive to find myself again, it just takes time. I'm still changing, because nothing ever stops changing. But it's the actions we make that affects how we change. You waste a lot of your time on little things that aren't going to matter in the long run. To you, they only matter at the end of the day. In 10 years, you won't even remember the end of the day that happened yesterday. - journal entry 12.19.17 

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