May 5th, 2023

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The main things
*taking your mind off of it- occupying your mind*
*positivity instead of negativity*

Things I do to help me feel better

⁃ listen to calming music or a meditation video
⁃ Take slow deep breaths in and out
⁃ Make a list of all the little things in life that make me happy (example: sunsets, skies, Cafe Rio, cold weather)
⁃ Write in my journal how I'm feeling
⁃ Listen to HAPPY and upbeat music
⁃ Watch funny videos on YouTube
⁃ Watch HAPPY and positive movies or shows
⁃ Watch videos of my favorite celebrities
⁃ Exercise
⁃ Candle lit bath
⁃ Make a list of all the things you're thankful for (example: my best friend, that I wake up every day)
⁃ Learn about something new that I find interesting (example: true crime, psychology)
⁃ Talk to someone you love
⁃ Clean (cleaning only really helps when I have anxiety)

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