chapter three

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Raven p.o.v.

We were in the car heading back to the tower then Beastboy decided to kiss me right infront of Delsin. For some reason it didn't feel right kissing Beastboy anymore. Not because of Delsin but I feel I'm supposed to be with someone else. I mean why would it be Delsin. Maybe it's because I'm just not in love with Beastboy anymore. Anyway, we got back to the Tower. We got to the entrance of the Tower. We got in the elevator and pressed the button to the main floor. I looked over at Delsin to see Starfire flirting with Delsin. I dont know why but I just had the earge to send Starfire to another Dimension. I guess Robin had the same feeling for Delsin because he was eyeing Delsin down like he was the last piece of pizza. As the elevator doors opened to the common room, Delsin looked shocked. "Wow this is your home. Oh my goodness!" Delsin said. "Yep and its your home for how long you like it to be" Robin said. "Oh my god dude you HAVE to see the game they made about you it's epic" Beastboy said. I was thinking. Delsin seems perfect.... too perfect. Maybe he was like Terra. What if he is working for someone who wants to destroy us. I mean who takes out a army of drug dealers and survives from a deadly explosion from a gas leak. This has SLADE written all over it. So I decided to 'take care of him' myself. I was waiting by the doors to our rooms when Delsin walked by. I grabbed his arm tugging it into my room. Wow for a mortal: he is really strong. I had to all my strength to pull him. I could have used my magic but it would have made alot of noise. I finally reached my room. I opened the door and threw him on the floor. "Ow! Raven what is your problem!" he said rubbing his arm. "Listen!, I'm on to you. You think you're the only person who ever joined the team and betrayed us?" I said as my eyes glowed. I kicked him in the chest and he hit the wall and landed on the floor. He got up and tried to leave but I locked the door. And my room was sound proof so no one will be coming to interrupt our 'conversation'."Raven I'm not evil. I promise you" he said trying to get up. "You liar!" I said as I hit him again. He was shreiked with pain. I picked him up and held him by his white hoodie. He then puffed into... smoke? Well that was a little odd. But we already knew he had powers but wow! Delsin's smoke shadow ran through the bottom of the door. I opened it and I saw him go into the common room. I was gonna follow him but the I realized another idea. I would go into his mind when he was asleep and look for evidence that he would be working for someone. If I ran after him he would've told them l was trying to kill Delsin. This was a good plan. No not even a good plan. Great plan. Point Raven.

Delsin p.o.v.

I just had to get out of there before I lost control. I mean what would happen if I lost control. I could have killed Raven. What the hell is wrong with her. Is she crazy or something?!. I just decided to shake it off and to remind myself to stay away from Raven from now on. I went into the common room so that if she was planning following me at least I would be in a more public area. I noticed Beastboy and Cyborg were playing video games so I went over to watch them. It was a third person camera view so you get to see the character. The character had a red beanie just like mine, a sweater just like mine, a jean jacket vest with the same kick ass tagg just like mine. Wait a minute that's.... ME! "Is that me in the game?" I asked. "Yeah dude. And you're a total badass man" Beastboy said. "Yeah I didn't even know you can have all these powers. You're so sick" Cyborg said. "Ahh well... I guess.." I said flattering myself. Then Robin came in the room. "Hey Delsin wanna train with us tomorrow? I mean in the game, your powers look sick and it would be pretty neat to have powers like that on this team" Robin asked. "yeah sure why not. I don't have anything else to do" I said. "Alright team it's 11:00. Time for bed. We have a big day ahead of us" Robin ordered the team. "Just a few more minutes Robin. We just got to kill these angels and demons" Cyborg said struggling with the controller. "Any tips Delsin?" Beastboy asked. "Nah I don't wanna spoil the purpose of this level. Figure it out yourselves" I said. But Robin meant what he said about bedtime because he walked to the PlayStation and turned it off. "Fine we'll go to bed. You're no fun!" Beastboy said as he stuck out his tongue at Robin. I was about to ask Robin about my sleeping arrangements but Starfire stopped me from doing so. "Friend Delsin let me show you where you'll be doing the sleeping" Starfire said. So I followed her. I have to say she is really gorgeous. But she's is probably into Robin. We reached this room with no name on it. Must be the guest bedroom. "Here is the guest room but friend Cyborg had just added some adjustments to it" she said. I sat down on the bed and she sat down next to me. "Friend Delsin?" She called. "Yeah Starfire?" I answered. "What would you do if you had the feelings for someone and you you were afraid to tell them? And you just met them?" Starfire asked. "Go for it. You do whatever your heart tells you and if they don't feel the same way then ask to be friends and forget about him and move on. And if they do feel the same never let him go" I answered. "Thanks friend Delsin" she grinned from ear to ear. "No problem but Starfire was all this about Robin? Because you have been looking at him all with your googly eyes" I asked chuckling. "I was into Robin but then I saw someone else who is so handsome, bold, brave and strong" she answered gazing at me. "Ok who is i....". I was interrupted by Starfire's kiss. Me. It was about me. Wow. Her lips were so soft and warming and the kiss was so tender. But it didn't feel right. I actually didn't feel anything. But I enjoyed it until the very last minute. Starfire pulled away and looked at me with her beautiful green eyes. I hope she doesn't say what I think she's gonna say. "Will you go out with me, Delsin Rowe?" She asked. Gahhhh!!!! Why doesn't the world like me. Why doesn't the world ever do nice things for me. I looked into her eyes. All I saw was hope. I didn't know what to say but I was thinking about it and said my decision. "I'm sorry Starfire but no I mean we only knew each other for about 7 hours now and all I know is your name and you have powers. I'm sorry I really am" I said. Her eyes were full of tears and her lip was quivering. "I understand. But maybe in the future when we knew each other better we could date" Starfire said crying a little. I thought about that. I mean she's hot but it's not right making her wait for me. Even if I really liked her. "Hey but that doesn't mean that you and Robin can't date. You know you still love him and you know him better" I said. She stopped crying and hugged me. "Thank you friend Delsin and I will use the lesson you have taught me" Starfire said as she kissed my cheek then she flew to her room. So thats what it took? I just had to remind her about her real crush is? I just smiled and went to sleep. "It's gonna be a long day tomorrow"

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