chapter twenty-five

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Cyborg p.o.v.

"Hey Bee. You look so beautiful" I said kissing her forehead. "Sparks just because we're married doesn't mean you have to say that every time we even make eye contact" Bee said chuckling.
"Well I just wanted to make you feel special. Is that so wrong" I said kissing her passionately. "Eww daddy" Tracey said scrunching her face. " 'eww daddy' what?" I said picking Tracey up and spinning her around. Me and Bee adopted three kids. The eldest is my son Chris. He is 16. He is at his girlfriend's house. What a player. The middle child is my daughter Leah. She is 14. She is in her room doing what teens do. And my youngest daughter is Tracey. She is 6. She is.... bionic. A few days after we adopted her, she was in a car accident and she was dying and I could do the only thing I can do. Give her bionics. She has super strength and can run really fast. But out off all of those things. She's my favorite child out of the 3. Bee is still not forgiven me for doing that to our youngest daughter. "I still can't believe you gave her bionics" Bee said. "It was the only thing that could save her life. I just had the technology lying around" I kinda lied. I mean I did it to save her life and I also  did it so she could become a member of the future Teens Titans. Nightwing had planned it out. She could take my place on the Team. Then the phone rang. I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said. "Hello is this Cyborg?" Starfire asked. "Yes Star it's me. What's up?" I asked.
"Oh well me and Richard are gonna thow a party and we were wondering if you and Bee can make it?" Starfire asked. "Sure star we'll be there. And by the way you speak very good English now" I said. "Thanks Cyborg. Richard  taught me perfect English. Anyway,see you there at 8:00!" Starfire said. I hung up the phone. "Hey Bee. Do you want to go to a party tonight?" I asked. "Ok I mean we haven't been out since after Leah was adopted" Bee said. "Who's throwing the party?" She asked. "Starfire and Richard" I said. "Oh my gosh. We are soo going. I missed those guys. What time is it?". "The party is at 8:00" I said looking at the clock and it was 5:03. "We have 3 hours left" I said. "Oh my god. Okay I'm going to get my hair done. You just wait here" Bee said  "Why must I wait for you?" I asked. "Because sparks you are part robot. You dont really wear clothes" Bee said mockingly. I tried to find a reason to argue with her but I realized she was right. "Ok fine you got me there. But don't be too long" I said kissing her forehead. As Bee left the kitchen I was looking at my armor and realized how dirty and broken down I was. "Wow. I really need to fix myself before this party" I said to myself as I ran intothe garage to fix myself up. This night will be fun.

Time Jump  (2 hours later)

Delsin p.o.v.

It's only 1 hour until the party starts and I haven't even ironed my tuxedo. Raven went out to go do her hair. She said 'the materials we have at our house are not working with her hairstyle' anymore or whatever. She also said if I'm not ready by the time she gets back she will kill me. Literally kill me. I just got out of the shower and and creamed my skin and put on my deodorant. I put on a wife beater and boxers. But I have no idea how to iron. I told Raven to buy a steamer but 'No! There's no need to buya steamer when we have iron'. I can't iron. Well I'm dead. Wait! I know who can iron. I ran to her room and knocked. She opened the door with a confused smiled on her face. "There's my beautiful daughter whom I love" I saidas I gave her a hug. "Hey Dad what's up with you?" Sabrina asked. "Oh nothing. What I come in and give my daughter a hug and...". What do you want Dad?" Sabrina asked as she folded her arms. "I need you to iron my tuxedo for me. I know you can iron because your mother taught you. Please? I need to be wearing this by the time she gets back. Please Sabrina?" I begged her. Wow. I realized me. A grown ass man begging an 8 year old girl to iron my tuxedo. Wow. Where did my pride and dignity go? "Okay fine I'll iron your tuxedo. But only for one thing?" She said. "And what will that be sweetheart? Another hug from Daddy?" I asked opening my arms for a hug but Sabrina pushed me back. "I want a higher allowance. $10". No Sabrina" I said. " Fine why don't you ask mom for help. I'm sure she would love to help out". Sabrina blackmailed me. She really is my daughter. "Fine" I said trying to walk back to my room but Sabrina pulled me back. "I also would like another hug" she said as she hugged me. "That's my girl. Thank you so much Sabrina" I said as I kissed her cheek and ran back to the bathroom to gel up my hair. I don't know if I should just wear my regular clothes or not. Nah I'll just stick to the tuxedo. I don't wanna make a mistake and have Raven be all mad at me. Cause when Raven gets mad it's gets scary. Her glowing red eyes and her sharp teeth. Oh my god! I get scared by just thinking about it. It's weird that I get scared because I have the same problem as Raven. As I gel my hair, Sabrina walked in the room to drop off my tuxedo for me. "Thanks Sabrina. You're a lifesaver!" I said. "No problem. Anything for my Dad" she said. I tried to close my door but Sabrina pushed it back open. "Yes?" I asked confused. "You forgot to pay me" Sabrina said holding out her hand for money. "Fine you little greedy scamp" I said paying her the the $10. "Nice doing business with you" Sabrina said walking away. She is such a blood sucking leech. I said this once and I'm gonna say it again: she really is my daughter. As I put on my tuxedo Raven just walked in with her beautiful new hairstyle. "Wow. You look beautiful" I said giving her a peck on the lips. "Thanks it took me all day just to getmy hair like this. And you know we don't need to wear formal clothes, right?" "What?! So I could've worn my normal clothes. "Yeah. I was gonna wear a purple t-shirt jeans under my cloak" Raven said. So I had to go bribe my daughter to iron my tuxedo even when I could've worn my original outfit and gel my hair even though I can just wear my beanie. I neon sprinted to the closest and changed my clothes. As I put on my jean jacket vest it made me feel like I was 20 years old again. Even though I'm still 20's but like I'm 28 years old. I'm getting old. Soon my son or daughter will take my place or they won't but I don't care. At least I made my mark on this world. "Well look at you. You look exactly like the time we first met" Raven said. "Yeah so do you. But without the casual clothes under the cloak but adding the leotard" I said. "You were so dumb and charming" Raven said kissing my cheek. "And you were so smart and beautiful" I said kissing her passionately. Then the clock reached 8:00. "Ready to go reunited with our friends" I said. "Let's go" Raven said as we walked out the house and into the car. I couldn't wait to see everyone.

Raven p.o.v.

As we reached the Tower, we walked inside looking around. Remembering all the memories we had in this Tower. Like the time Beastboy laughed so hard that milk came out of his nose. He said he tasted milk every time he sneezed for a month. That was hilarious. But I never used to show my emotions. It was kinda a rule for me when I was 18. Until boys came in my life. I kept trying to forget about them but one person made me feel so special. And I married him. "Oh there's everyone! Hey guys! What's up!" Delsin said pointing to the common room. "Delsin! Raven!" Cyborg said as he ran to us and squeezed us to death. "Cyborg,  how's it going? You look great" I said
"It's going good. You know I got 3 kids so you know I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind yet" Cyborg said. Me and Delsin chuckled. It was a little more awkward than we thought. "Soo..." Nightwing said. "Sooo what now?" Garfield asked. "Now, we act like we used to. We're the same people from 8 years ago but older and more mature. But tonight we get down, just like we used to" Delsin said. "Yeah you're right Delsin" Nightwing said. "LET'S PARTY LIKE IT'S THE LAST!!" Garfield said turning on the music. The former Titans started dancing like when they were teens again. I then grabbed Delsin's wrist and pulled him towards the hallway. "Okay you really need to stop that" Delsin said rubbing his wrist. "Follow me" I said as led him to my old room. When I opened it I was surprised. It was the same as last time but without my junk in it. "Whoa! It's just like the way we left it, but there's less junk in here" Delsin said. "I know. Look even the view is the same. Come on" I said pulling him out to the ledge. A full moon was out and the stars twinkled in the sky. "Isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" I said. "Nah, cause the stars aren't as bright as you" Delsin said. I smiled and kissed him passionately. We broke away from each other and gasped for air but we were still in each other's arms. "I love you Raven" Delsin said. "I love you too Delsin" I said as we both gazed at the stars and held each other.


Well thanks for reading my book, but don't think this is the end. I will be making another book. But please comment about my book.

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