chapter four

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Raven p.o.v.

I waited for everyone to go to sleep.I didn't want to do this when everyone else was still awake. It might cause a scene if Delsin were to react when everyone was awake.Delsin went to sleep first. But everyone else was still awake. I waited 1 hour to make sure everyone was asleep. But I didn't want to read his mind when he was awake. I waited for two more hours because just to make sure he was asleep. Finally everyone is asleep. I sat down on my rug and slowly drifted into Delsin's dream

In Delsin's mind

I landed in some weird path. It was really foggy in Delsin's mind. Probably just the smoke. "I've gotta find the memory room. That'll give me all the proof I need" I said. I was walking along the path to the memory room. It was kinda hot in here. Well maybe it was because he was a smoke conduit I guess. A smoking hot conduit to be exact. Whoa! Okay I really hate my emotions right now. 'What Raven? You know you can't stop these feelings for Delsin. You like him!' Love said. "Oh shut up I barely even know him. And he is a criminal working for someone" I said. 'Raven, you know for a fact that he is not evil. You saw it in his beautiful eyes' Knowledge said. "But I need proof that he isn't. This is the only way" I said. I saw the stairway to his brain. I walked up the stairs and saw a filling cabinet. I Walked to it and looked in the top drawer and looked in file A and saw the name "Augustine". I wonder who she is? Then I saw an old film projector. "Wow now that's ironic" I said. I went to check if the it was still functional. And turns out it was. So I put the film disc in the projector. I pressed play and saw the full memory of Augustine. Wow what a horrible woman. And Delsin stopped her so he is really strong.... and HOT!!! Oh really?! "Come on Love stop it" I said. 'Sorry I can't help myself' Love said.I rolled my eyes and started searching in file S for Slade. But didn't see any the name but in file R I was looking for Red X but saw the name Reggie. Oh this must be Reggie, Delsin's brother. I looked at the picture on the file and Reggie looked like a total prick! Anyway, I played that file and almost cried at the end. His brother died to protect Delsin. That's what families do for each other. My Dad would have never saved me like that. That's why I hate his guts.I will kill him one day. Just need it to be at the right moment. I was gonna look for more people but Delsin was starting to wake up so I left.

Back to reality

I was still sitting on the rug cause I was thinking. I was thinking about all the videos I just watched and Delsin had a pretty tough time these past few years. I mean he lost his parents and his brother and avenged his Reggie by stopping Augustine. And the worst part: I judged him for being evil and hit him and went in his mind without permission. I have to apologize to him later on but for now I'm really tired. Boy. going in another person's mind sure does get you tired. So I hopped into bed and blacked out.

Delsin p.o.v.

Next morning it was sunny and every one was happy. Except me. Someone was poking around in my head when I was sleeping.and I had a pretty good idea who it was. Raven. My dream was horrible. I never want to have that horrible dream ever again.
(In my dream)

I was just walking around Seattle, looking for someone to tell me where I am. I then heard this voice. It was calling my name. It sounded like.... my brother. "Delsin! Delsin help me!" Reggie yelled. "I don't know where you are. Tell me where you are and I'll save you!" I shouted looking around for my brother. "I'm down here! Hanging on the edge of a cliff. Hurry!!" Reggie yelled. I ran to the edge of the cliff and seeing my brother dangling off the cliff. "Here! Reggie! Grab on to my hand and I'll pull you up!" I said as I tried reaching out for his hand. "I can't do it. I can't reach it" Reggie said like he was about to give up. "TRY!!!" I yelled. Reggie lunged himself one last time and he finally grabbed on to my hand. "Ok. I got you. I got you! So I'll pull you up...". "Do you really,Delsin? Do you really got him?" My worst nightmare asked. "Augustine what do you want?" I said. "All I want is to reclaim my name. 'The greatest conduit that has ever lived' you took that name from
me. But I'm going to take it back. You know how I'm gonna take it back?" She asked a rhetorical question. "Im going to have to kill you" Augustine said as she shot a concrete missile at us. "Uh oh! Ok come on Reggie!" I said trying to pull him up. " Delsin. It's ok. We're not going to make it. Not together at least" he said. "Reggie I'MNOT GOING TO LET GO! YOU DO NOT LET GO!" I started crying. "My god. Look at you. I'm so proud of you. Mom and Dad would be proud of you. I'm sorry Delsin" Reggie said as his hand slipped out of mine. Then the concrete missile hit the cliff and it just broke into pieces of rocks. Luckily I moved just in time. Augustine must've thought I fell down with the rocks cause she flew down to check if I was still alive. I neon sprinted out of the area before Augustine got back. I was at a billboard. I was sitting on it and mourning for the loss of my brother. "Reggie...."

(Back to reality)

I don't really like talking about my personal information but it helps to just let it out. Anyway, I went into the shower and picked out a fresh new costume. I put it on. I looked at it as I put on my jean jacket vest. My outfit was getting kinda old. "Maybe I should change my costume design soon" I said. But enough talk I smell breakfast. I walked to the kitchen and saw Robin and his arm was around Starfire. So I guess Starfire asked Robin out and Robin said yes. Good for them. Cyborg is at the stove cooking pancakes and bacon and eggs. Then I saw Beastboy and Raven next to Starfire and Robin. How did I not see that? "Morning Delsin" Cyborg said as he flipped a pancake. "Morning guys. Hey uhh.... Raven can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked but sounded more like a command. She nodded her head but looked nervous while doing it. She looks at Beastboy like it was a cry for help but she shouldn't worry. I'm not gonna chew her head off.... Yet. But the look on her face explains everything. I think she knows what this is about. We walk to the hallway and stop in the middle of it. "So is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked trying to make her confess. "No what are you talking about" she tried to deny. "I'm talking about when you went into my mind and poking around in there. My mind is a personal place and you shouldn't be in there" I said getting kinda angry. She has no right going through my mind. If something went wrong in there I could've lost control and almost kill someone. "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE GET IT!!!" I started shouting. "Delsin?" Raven called looking a little scared.
"WHAT?!" I answered kinda harshly. "Your eyes
They're..... They're glowing"
Raven said stepping backwards. I ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Yep she's right. My eyes weren't greenish blue they were brownish gold. "Well it's something that happens when I get to angry and lose control" I said walking to my room trying to calm myself. "Just tell Cyborg I'm not hungry" I said continuing walking around my room. "A quick detour to my room. We need to talk" Raven said without emotion and grabbed my wrist. I had no choice but to follow her into her room because she had my wrist into a death squeeze. As we reached to Raven's room I sat down on a chair near her bed and she sat down the bed.
We were sitting right across from each other. Raven broke the silence. "So you have rage control issues too?" She asked. "Yeah I got them ever since my brother Reggie died but I guess you knew that one already" I said a bit frustrated. "Again sorry" she said. "You didn't say sorry the first time" I said smirking. "But I still said it didn't I?" She said laughing. I smiled. "What are you smiling for?" She asked.
"Well... since I came here you never laughed or smiled" I said. "Yeah well I haven't been smiling and laughing even before you came along" Raven said as she got up and went to her window. I stood up and looked through the window from where I was standing. "What do you mean I thought you were happy I mean you have the Titans who are friends but act like a family to you. and a boyfriend who loves you" I said trying to comfort her.
"But does the girlfriend feel the same way" she said turning around with tears running down her face. "I loved Beastboy. He was so charming and funny and I thought we would be together forever when we started dating. I thought I'd never be alone ever again because he made me feel special. But I guess a demon spawn like me will never find happiness" Raven said as her back slide down against the wall and landed into a sitting position on the floor. I walked to her and sat down beside her. "Raven you are gonna find someone who will make you happy. I mean Raven you are everything a guy wants. You're smart,funny,courageous,brave,beautiful,flawless and did I leave out sexually attractive" I said smirking. She looked at me with tears still in her eyes."you really think so?" She said in a shaky voice. I wiped her tear and gave her a hug. "Nah I don't think so" I said. She looked at me heartbroken. "I know so and if Beastboy doesn't think so then he must be colorblind or an idiot" I said as I wrap my arms around Raven and kissed her cheek. Ok maybe I went a bit two far. But honestly when I kissed her it felt good and it made me want to do it again over and over until I die. But Raven probably doesn't feel the same way. We both blushed. Wow. I never want to kiss another girl if that means if I get to kiss Raven again. Suddenly, Raven's communicator rung. it was Robin. "Hey Robin" we both said in unison "Hey guys. Remember I said we had training today....Yeah well we are starting and we don't see you guys anywhere so get here NOW!!!" Robin yelled the last part. "Is he always like this?" I asked laughing. "Yeah but compare that with the other days I'm late lets just say he is happy today"

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