chapter twenty

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Raven p.o.v.

I can't believe he broke up with me. I thought we'd be together forever. I thought our love could never be broken. Well I guess I was wrong. I was still standing there in the kitchen trying to figure out if I should cry about losing Delsin or be angry at Beastboy for ruining everything. But I'm trying my best to hold in my emotions before I explode. "Raven I am so sorry about Delsin" Beastboy said trying to comfort me. "Beastboy I really appreciate your kindness but right now Im about to explode and I don't wanna kill you in the process. So you have to get outta here. Now!" I warned him. "But Raven....". "I SAID GET OUT!!!!" I said in my other voice. Beastboy finally listen to me and turned into a cheetah and ran out of the kitchen. I don't know what to do. I already miss him and I just saw him. I can't believe this is happening to me! I have to go talk to him. Yeah. That's what I'll do. As I walked to Delsin's room I knocked on his door. "Go away!" He shouted. "Delsin? Delsin it's me Raven. Look can we just talk" I said. I then heard footsteps behind the door and I watched it open by a really upset guy. "Raven there's nothing to talk about so can you please just leave me alone?" Delsin asked annoyed. "No Delsin Im sorry but I'm not leaving until we talk this out" I said. "Okay fine I'll just leave" he said as he tried to walk out the room. I used my magic to block the doorway so Delsin is trapped.
"Im not leaving until we work things out and neither are you" I said
"Why did you kiss him?" Delsin asked. "I didn't kiss him he kissed me". "But you didn't stop him." Delsin said. "Its over Raven. Just get out!" He screamed at me.
That's it. Im done playing games. "DELSIN ROWE, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. I ONLY SEE BEASTBOY AS A FRIEND. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY!!!!" I shouted. I guessed that I was kinda losing my temper because Delsin was looking at me weirdly. "Im sorry about that I can't control my emotions right now. But the only reason I can't control them is because of you. I'm afraid of losing you" I said. I started crying. I don't want my future to be without him.
"I...... just.... time okay?
That's all I need right now"
He said looking out the window. I nodded and left his room. All I can do is give him the space he needs and just hope he forgives me.

(Time jump: 3 days)

Delsin p.o.v.

It was three days since we broke up. It has been really hard trying not to think about her. Her purple hair. Her soft lips. Her violet eyes. Her grey soft skin. She is probably in her room meditating or reading a book or something. I'm still trying to figure out if I should forgive her or not. That really hurt when I saw her KISSING BEASTBOY. I felt like ripping Beastboy apart. I was so ANGRY. But What hurts the most is that she was really into it. And that she lied about it! She pulled Beastboy closer into her lips. I was about to lose control again. But I was able to stop it. Maybe I should just throw away my feelings for Raven and tell her we should just be friends. But do friends have a baby with each other. That would be awkward. Well I'll just have to get over it. Then I smelled something very gross. It smelled like a dying man. I then smelled my armpit and almost gagged. I haven't showered in the 3 days. Or eaten. So I hopped into the shower to get clean and fresh. When I finished I threw my clothes in the hamper and got a fresh new one. I open my room door and I casually walked down the hallwayto the kitchen.
As I pasted the common room doors everyone was looking at me with surprised faces. Even Raven. I just walked to the kitchen and looked through the cereal cabinet. "Ewww lucky charms. I hate this" I said. I walked out the kitchen to go to the elevator. "Delsin, wait up!" Raven said. She started walking to the elevator. All I did was think about what to say. "Hey Raven what's up?" I said trying to sound normal.
"Hey um... did you... um.. you know... think about.. us?" she asked hoping I yes. Well I was thinking about it before I said anything. I was thinking about everything that happened."Delsin? Do you forgive me?" She asked
"Yeah Raven. I forgive you" I said. I mean I'm still upset with her but I have to try to look past this. "Thank goodness" she said as she kissed me passionately. I did miss her so much. "I missed you so much. I was so lost without you. I promise I will never kiss guy other than you" Raven said. "I missed you too Raven. And I trust that you will never kiss another guy" I said. They all clapped except Beastboy. Beastboy walked up to us and just looked at me.
"I'm sorry about the whole kissing Raven thing. I hope you understand that you have a wonderful woman who loves you. Don't ever let her leave your side. Same goes to for you" he said. "What?! You kissed Raven?! Beasty? How could you?!" Terra said crying. "Terra I'm so sorry. It's just that you never gave me the time of day" Beastboy said. "Is that true? Because I thought that he loves you and misses you" I whispered in Raven's ear. "He must be lying. But Beastboy really does love Terra he's just not over me yet" Raven said. "Oh Beasty I am so sorry I didn't give you the time of day. From now on I will pay attention to your needs 24/7" Terra said as she kissed Beastboy. Aww isn't that cute?! As soon as Beastboy finished making up with Terra, he walked up to me. "I forgive you man and I won't let her go" I said. "Neither will I" Raven said. "Oh yes you will. Because I'm coming for her Delsin Rowe. You haven't seen the last of me" Malchior said appearing on the conference screen. "When will you give up, Malchior. I don't love you anymore" Raven said cuddling my arm. "But you don't have a choice. I'm gonna take you back. Even if I have to kill Delsin. You will be mine Raven. You will be mine. I love you" Malchior said. "WELL I DON'T LOVE YOU. NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME!!" Raven cried. "Please, you know you liked it" Malchior said. "Okay that's it! You are not gonna have Raven. So if it's a fight you want then its a fight you got" I said. "Well okay Delsin but I want you to meet our new partner" he said. A man in a ninja suit with a giant red x on his costume. "Red X!" Robin yelled. "Hello Robin. I'm back" Red X said.
"You see, he's agreed to help get my girlfriend back and I promised him something in return" Malchior said. "What does he want in return?" I asked. "My dearest sweetheart, Starfire" Red X said. "You will never have me! My heart belongs to Robin" Starfire said. "We'll see who your heart really belongs to later on sweetness" Red X said. I gagged. Red X just glared at me with hatred. "Hope to see you soon Titans" Slade said from the back. The call ended. I looked at Raven and she looked worried. I grabbed Raven's waist and pull her in for a kiss. She looked surprised then melted into the kiss. We stayed like that for a few minutes but pulled away for air. I then picked her up and neon sprinted to her room. I opened the door and placed Raven in her bed. "Delsin what's going on? Why are you acting like thi.....". "I'm not going to let him take you away from me. You are my life now Raven" I said. She kissed me passionately and smiled.
"You're my life too Delsin. Which is why I'm worried about you. Delsin this is getting out of hand. I don't wanna lose you. I almost lost you once. Don't make me have to go through a life of pain and sorrow" Raven said tearing up. "Im already losing it and it hasn't even happened". "Look Raven. I'll be okay. I'll be here. Always"
I said. She kissed my cheek and tried to roll over on the bed but her belly was making it hard for her. "Man your belly is getting big it's only a matter of time before he or she arrives" I said.
"Yeah and it'll be nice if the whole Delsin versus Malchior problem would just go away so I can stop worrying about you. The stress is not good for the baby" Raven said gently patting her belly. I lowered my head to hear the baby. Instead I felt a little kick. "Whoa!! Now that is a powerful kick he's got there. When he or she grows up their gonna be destroying lots of bad guys" I said kissing her belly. "Yeah I know. Feels like he or she could be due any minute" Raven said yawning. I kissed her goodnight and just cuddled right beside her. I used my smoke ability and heated up my body to warm her up. I saw a smile spread across her face. "When will you ever stop impressing me?" Raven said cuddling me. "When I run out of ideas to impress you" I said sarcastically. She chuckled. I smiled and closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me for the night.

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