chapter eleven

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Raven p.o.v.

I watched them as they vanished in pure air. He's gone..... again. Why did I let this happen? This is all my fault. I never should've let him go. "Raven are you ok?" Robin asked. "No I'm not okay. I'll never be okay.
It feels like part of my soul has just been ripped out of me" I said as I got up and flew back home. I needed to be alone. As I got home I ran into my room I jumped onto my bed and cried into my pillow. I can't go on without him I need him. I love him. I looked at the ring he gave me. It said D as in Delsin. I can't believe he is gone now. Our future was so bright because he was there. Making me laugh. Helping me through tough situations. Just being a shoulder to cry on. But none of that will happen cause he's gone. And its all my fault....... No no no! What am I saying?! I'm not gonna just sit here and cry about it. Thats what losers do. I completely forgot that I'm a super hero! I'm going to save Delsin. Slade and Augustine are gonna wish they never took what was rightfully mine! But I can't do it alone. I got to go tell the others my plan.

"No Raven that is a bad idea"
Robin said. "But Robin we have to save him. He is the love of my life" I said as a tear came down my face. "Look Raven I know you loved him but you need to let him go. He made his decision so you must honor it. I'm sorry Raven" Robin said as he patted my shoulder. "Robin?" I called him. He turned around to face me. "What would you do if Starfire was in this situation?" I asked. "Well if she was caught by Slade I would never stop until I saved her. Oh I get it. Alright we will try to rescue him tomorrow" he said. Tomorrow you have got to be kidding me?! "You better hurry Robin or dear Delsin is going to drown" Slade said randomly appearing on the screen. "If you hurt one hair on his head you will meet something a fate worse than death itself" I said.
"Ohh look Delsin's girlfriend is getting feisty. Oh please I'm not scared of you" Augustine said walking up to the screen. "Bring it on bitch" I said. "Oh Delsin you picked a real feisty one. You little freak!" Augustine said let Delsin appear on the screen. He was hooked to some machine that can drown him "R-Raven..... are y.... you there" Delsin said weakly. "Yes Delsin I'm right here. Look we're coming to get you okay? Just hold on! Okay. Hold on"
I said with tears running down my face. It hurt seeing him like this. And he's in this position because to protect me. "Hope to see you soon Titans. Remember, 'conduits can't swim'" Slade said and with that the call ended.
Starfire was behind me and rubbing her hands on my shoulders to make me feel better. It kind of helped but if they kill Delsin I'm gonna destroy half the town. "All right Titans report here tomorrow morning..." I cut Robin off.
"Tomorrow morning?! Are you kidding me?!" I said frustrated. "Look Raven we need to figure out a plan first before we atta...." I cut him off again. "No! Haven't you seen the machine they hooked Delsin to. Their gonna kill Delsin. So you know what? Forget you Robin if you don't want to save him that's your problem but I'm gonna save him" I said walking to my room. I can't believe after all of what he just saw Robin still won't help out. Well I don't need anybody. I can do it by myself! And if I die saving Delsin and he dies too, at least me and Delsin will be together in the end. I was getting ready for the my rescue mission when all of a sudden I heard a knock on my door. Oh well I guess Robin had a chance of heart and decided to help me on the rescue mission. I opened it and it was Fetch and Eugene. Wow Robin. Still not changing his mind. Well I'm not going on anymore missions involving Starfire's kidnapping. "What do you guys want?" I asked.
"You still going to save D"
Fetch asked. I nodded. "Ok we're gonna help you. Delsin has been there for us and we're gonna return the favor"
Eugene said. "Ok thanks you guys. This really means alot to me" I said. "We're not doing this for you. We're doing this for Delsin" Fetch said. "Okay well... thanks for doing this for... him" I said. "Before you, me and Delsin were dating. But we broke up because he said I was to clingy but I still love him". I can see why he said you were too clingy. "Well fine lets sneak out the window" I said. They both nodded in agreement and they followed me to jump out the window.

Me and Eugene were flying there and Fetch does Delsin say it neon sprinting. Yeah neon sprinting. You know what she actually runs very fast. But the neon lights are so pretty. Light pink with a dash of purple and yellow. Wow. I sound just like Starfire. Whoa! That's actually really scary. Anyway, we were flying across town for a while.
"Do you know where you're going mortal" Eugene said in his angel voice. "Yes its an abandoned warehouse near the ocean. And by the way I'm half demon. To me your the mortal. You're not really an angle" I said. As we got there I heard screaming. It sounded like..... Delsin! He's in trouble. If they touch him I will kill each and every one of them. I flew to the top of the warehouse because it had a hole through the roof so we could see inside. We saw Delsin being strapped to a table. Slade came in with a knife and some machine thingy. Augustine was just watching. It looks like Slade is gonna cut Delsin and suck up all of his blood and use his DNA for something. Well whatever it is, its not happening!
Slade said something before cutting Delsin in the arm and strapping the suction cord to th wound. Slade has automatically turn on his machine. We can already see Delsin's skin go paler. We decided not to wait any longer so we jumped through the ceiling and landed perfectly on the ground. "What are you doing to him?!" I said. "Oh well if isn't dearest sweet Raven. Tell me. Where are the others?" Slade said. "Not coming. Now. Let Delsin go Slade. He did nothing to you!" I said. "But what about me. He did something to me. He shut down the D.U.P.corporation. I was doing everything in my power to capture every single conduit who was in danger" Augustine said. "In danger? In danger of what?" I asked. "In danger of being on the government's next hit list. I captured all the conduits who ever roamed Seattle. But then the crash hit town and caused three to escape" she said. "Who were these three?" I asked. "Well you're standing with the two right now" she said. I looked at Fetch and Eugene. "What about the other one?" I asked. "Henry Daugtry is in a location unknown. You see that's why I try to capture them before they go to far in the world. I tried to capture them to keep them safe" she said. "You... also capture them... experiment on human beings... their not free... their locked up somewhere away from the... sunlight. Their prisoners. Sure... some of them are criminals.. but.... most of them are innocent" Delsin said trying to get every word out. "Delsin!" I said trying to save him but Augustine kicked me to the wall.
"Guys attack!" I shouted but I ran to Delsin. Fetch delt with Augustine while Eugene delt with Slade. As I reached Delsin he looked whiter than blank paper. He was losing too much blood. "Delsin just hang on I'm gonna pump up your adrenaline" I said. He was getting weaker. I hit the + button so many times but it wasn't working. I think I was too late. But I think he's breathing. Okay I think its working. Then Augustine came to fight me.
I used my magic to hit her off of her concrete platform she is flying on. She tried to hit me with a concrete chain but I dodged it. She then used her concrete wave and it hit me and knocked me on the floor. Augustine then injected some needle in Delsin. What was that? "What are you doing to him?!" I shouted. "Something I should've done a long time ago" she said as she slit Delsin's throat and dropped him on the floor. I ran screaming his name. He is still alive but barely breathe. Then out of nowhere a disk sliced Augustine's leg and she fell. I smiled a little because I knew who threw the disk. "TITANS GO!!" Robin yelled. Robin ran to me while the others were attacking Augustine. "Raven if you disobey me again you're off the team" Robin said frustrated. I nodded but I wasn't paying attention because I'm losing Delsin.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Augustine injected this liquid thing so Delsin doesn't have his healing ability and then Augustine slit his throat" I said crying. "Ok Raven take him to the emergency room now!" Robin ordered. I nodded and teleported there.
I ran carrying the love of my life to the emergency room.
"Delsin stay with me!. Please stay with me!" I said crying like crazy. I hooked Delsin to the heart monitor to check his heartbeat rate. "R-Raven?" Delsin looked me in the eyes. "Yes Delsin I'm here" I said crying.
"Hey did I ever tell you how b-beautiful you..... look. Cause... if... I didn't.. well... I'm telling.. you now.
I...l-love you....Raven..." the heart monitor went dead. I tried healing him. But it didn't work. Ran into my room just to get my spell book to see if there was a spell for reviving him but there wasn't anything.
"Delsin! Delsin! Noo DELSIN NOOO!" I screamed. He's gone... again. I can't believe he's dead. The others finally ran in. "What happened?" Terra asked. "Delsin died" I said crying. "No friend Delsin" Starfire said crying.
Fetch was in tears and Eugene was looking down.
It was a sad day for everyone. This is not how this was supposed to end. Delsin was supposed to be alive and we were supposed to be together forever. But dreams don't really come true. But suddenly I smelled smoke.
"Cyborg did you leave anything on the stove?" Robin asked while still hugging Starfire. "No don't remember cooking anything boss man" Cyborg said. The all of a sudden I saw shadow behind me.
Everyone had their jaws dropped. I turned around and I was crying again. I can't believe this is happening! How could this be? "Delsin?"

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