chapter twenty-two

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Raven p.o.v

He started waving at me. I just glared at him and scoffed. Why is he so friendly? He knows I hate him! I hate him with all my might. I know hate is a strong word..... SO THAT'S WHY I'M USING IT!! "Hey my precious Raven. Come see what I'm watching!" Malchior said. "Why should I care about you and your little pornography" I said. "First off: its not pornography and secondly: I think you should care. Come up and have a looksie!" Malchior said. I rolled my eyes floated on the roof to see what he was up to. I went behind him and saw what was on the screen. He had cameras all around the tower. It was like he was watching every little detail that happened in the tower. "You were spying on us?!" I said frustrated. Malchior just nodded and laughed. I then saw the camera in the emergency room.
Delsin was on the hospital bed not moving. I got scared. "Stop hurting him! He's dying! I know you can control his heartbeat. You're killing him!" I shouted in pain. "And why should I stop. What has Delsin done for me. Or more like to me?" Malchior asked. "He didn't kill you when he had the chance to" I said. "Hmmm....good point but not good enough". "Fine. If you let Delsin live. I will..... be yours forever" I said as I almost gagged. "Alright! Now that's a prize! Fine. Your precious Delsin gets to live" he said as he use his magic to save him. I finally started to relax knowing that Delsin is okay. "Now that should save Him. He should be up and walking in about 3 hours. Sooo....Now that I have you. let me give a kiss" Malchior said as tried to kiss me. I kicked his testicles and watched him fall to his knees. "I will never kiss you. Not ever" I said showing him my demon eyes. "So you tricked me!" He said. "I crossedmy fingers. So I don't belong to you. I belong to Delsin and that is the only man who I will ever belong to" I said. "I DON'T LIKE BEING TRICKED RAVEN!!! So it looks like you'll be belonging to me after all!" He said. "What do you mean after all?" I asked curiously. Malchior then used his telekinesis to tie me up in some rope. "Follow me my beautiful Raven as I will show you around the warehouse" Malchior said. As we went entered the warehouse and looked around. I was shocked. There was concrete covered walls and weapons of mass destruction and lots of other machines. "Welcome to the lair of S.A.R.M." Malchior said. "S.A.R.M.?" I asked. What the fuck is a S.A.R.M.?!
"Slade,Augustine,Red X and Malchior. We needed more time on picking better name" Malchior said. "I bet your dumbass came up with that idea"I said. Malchior then slapped me with this magic spell hand thingy. I don't know what it was called. "Shut the hell up!" He said. I just scoffed. "Now I'm not going to show you around because you'll just contact your team and bust us so here is your cell" Malchior said as he pointed to the small cell that has another other cell mate. As I walked in Malchior slammed the cell doors and locked it. "Love you. I'll be in there later tonight to..... check up on you" Malchior said. "Not if I kill you first" I said. Malchior just scoffed and walked away. I looked at my cell mate. She looked bruised and with cuts around her wrists and ankles. She was chained up to the bars and her hands were binded up with some concrete thing. She had on this orange jumpsuit that said 'DUP SUSPECT'. Must be a conduit like Delsin. I then started thinking about Delsin. I saved him and that's all that matters. "At least Delsin is safe"

(Time jump 3 hours later)

Delsin p.o.v

I tried opening my eyes but everything was so blurry for a minute. My eyes have to adjust to the light. I opened them again and it was really bright. How long was I out for. I tried to get up but I was plugged into the heartbeat monitor. I was in the emergency room? I unplugged the cords off my body and got off the bed. "Why am I in the emergency room?" I asked myself. All I remember is that I was in Raven's room. Then everything went black. I started walking around looking for everyone. I need an explanation on what the hell is going on? I went to the common room to see everyone except Raven. They all jumped to my surprise. "Delsin yo.. You're alive!" Robin said. "Yeah I know. How long was I out?" I asked. "3 weeks" Beastboy said. "What?!" I said surprised. "Oh shut up Beastboy. You were unconscious for 3 hours. Beastboy just messing with you" Robin said. I glared at Beastboy while Terra slapped his arm. "Guys I need an explanation on what's going on? Please?" I asked. "We'd love to give you the information Delsin but we don't even know ourselves" Cyborg said. "The only people to know what happened in that room is Raven and Malchior" Terra said. "Okay I think I know what happened now. But I still want to know the details. Where's Raven?" I asked. They all looked unsure about the whereabouts of my Raven. "Friend Raven said she was going to the wash of the room. I have not seen her since she informed me of her whereabouts" Starfire said. Thats weird? Why would Raven be in the washroom for 3 hours? I neon sprinted to our bedroom washroom but she wasn't there. I next checked the hallway washroom but she wasn't there either. I was getting really worried. I checked evey washroom in the entire building but no Raven anywhere. I neon sprinted back to the gang. "Guys I've checked every washroom in this building but she is not there. Where could she be?!" I said flopping myself on the couch. "Don't do the worrying friend Delsin. We shall find friend Raven and reunited you with your one true love" Starfire said. "No need to look for Raven, Delsin. She's right here" Augustine said appearing on the conference screen. I looked up to see Raven in a cell in the background. "Raven!" I shouted. "Delsin!" She shouted back. "Don't worry Raven I'm coming to get you. Okay" I said. "Yes Delsin run to her. Run to your loved one" Augustine said mockingly. "If you dare touch her I will..".
"You will what Delsin. Try to kill us. You're no match for S.A.R.M.!" Malchior said. "S.A.R.M.? Dude what does that even mean?" Beastboy asked. "It means Slade,Augustine,Red X, and Malchior. We're working on the name. Can't wait to see you Delsin" Malchior said as he ended the call. We all stood there. Silent. I started to walk to my room and changed into my regular clothes. I got out of my room and went to the elevator. I was stopped by Robin. "Robin what do you think you're doing?! I have to go save her!" I said frustrated that he would interrupt me in my quest. "You're not going save Raven without us. She's family" Robin said. "And we take the good care of our family. Isn't that right my little bummgorf!" Starfire said petting this little worm thing. "Ahh! What the hell is that thing Star?!" I shouted disturbed. "This is my pet Silkie. Isn't he cute?" Starfire asked. "Starfire, I would love to play with that.... Silkie character but we have to save Raven! Come on!" I said. Starfire gently put Silkie on the floor and ran to the elevator. As Starfire walked in the elevator, I couldn't help but look at that worm thing. Why does she keeps that thing as a pet?! Starfire's planet sure is strange. "Alright. Getting that out of the way, let's go save Raven" I said. "TITANS GO!!" Robin yelled as we made it to the T car. It feels nice to be apart of the Titans. It feels like they've got my back. It feels good to rely on others to protect yoy instead of myself. I know I have Fetch and Eugene but their barely around. I'm always been by myself. Until I met Raven and she proved to me that I'm never alone. Augustine,Slade,Malchior and Red X are gonna take the only personwho l care about most away from me. And I am not gonna give her up without a fight.

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