chapter ten

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Delsin p.o.v.

We were in the limousine talking and having a good time. "Hey so you must be Delsin. Hi my name is Bumblebee but you can call me Bee" Cyborg's girlfriend said. "Hey Bee its nice to meet you. Cyborg never really talked about you when I was around" I said. Well I guess I wasn't supposed to say that because Bee was looking at Cyborg like she was about to kill him for not telling me about her. To break the awkward attention, the driver said it was gonna be a while till we reach our destination so he put on some music. Everyone was jamming out except me.
"What's wrong?" Raven asked me. "I don't dance" I said.
Everyone heard what I said and booed me and telling me to jump out the party limo.
"Come on. Look I'll help you"
Raven said as she held my wrists and swaying my arms side to side. I couldn't help but laugh. She really knows how to make me laugh. Iguess that's one of the many reasons why I love her.

We reached the place we were having dinner. It was a really fancy restaurant. I've never really been to a fancy restaurant before so I'm kind of nervous. Robin booked a reservation here. I guess Starfire and Robin wanted to eat at the bestest most fanciest restaurant they can find. This is a nice place. Our table was next the window so we can see the a great view of jump city. I pulled Raven's chair. I have to be a perfect gentleman for my beautiful Raven. When she sat I pushed her in closer to the table. I went to sit down across from her. As we all have been seated, there was dead silence. It was really awkward. I was wondering if Fetch and Eugene left for the movie theaters yet because this was so awkward I was about to leave and go join them. But it wasn't so awkward Until Bee broke the silence. "So uhh.... Delsin what does Seattle look like?". "Oh it used to look gloomy and it rained alot but after Augustine left it looks very beautiful" I said. "What was the needle of space look like?" Starfire asked. "You mean the space needle. It is awesome and a perfect view of Seattle" I answered. "So Bee how are things going in Titans East?" Cyborg asked.
"It's good we just recently stopped a bank heist so it was great" Bee said. We all just talked about villans and our past lives. I noticed Raven wasn't saying anything.
"Hey Raven what's wrong?" I said. "I feel like eating
That's all" she said "Raven come on. Just say something. We're all your friends here" I said. At that moment the waitress came with the menus. I saw a rice with chicken and pasta. That was the only thing I like out of that whole menu. "I'll take the rice with chicken and pasta, please" I asked. I guess I wasn't the only one who liked that dish because everyone ordered it as well.
"Great I will be back with your food and drinks" the waitress said. The waitress was looking at me alot. But that waitress does look a little familiar. Nah probably just imagining things. I wonder what her deal is? I'm on a date. She's trying to get me killed. I tried to make it look like I didn't notice by looking outside the window and then I remembered something. "Hey Raven I got you something".
She widely opened her eyes and smiled. "Oh my god you got me something. Give it to me. Come on." Raven said excitedly. "Wait you'll get it when we get home or whenever I feel like giving it to you" I said. "Oh come on Delsin please just give it to me" Raven begged. "Raven if you keep begging I just won't give it to you. You'll have to wait and see" I said. She nodded. I just can't wait to give it to her. Her expression of happiness. Oh that moment will be so perfect. Finally, the waitress came with our food. But she still kept looking at me for some reason. "I'm sorry. Delsin Rowe. You saved my little sister from the D.U.P. raid back in Seattle. May I please have your autograph?" The waitress asked. "Well of course you can...". "Amy. My name is Amy" she said. "Oh Amy I remember you. Your sister was Emily right?" I asked. "Yeah but my sister disappeared a year ago. I miss her so much" Amy began to cry. "I'm sorry for your loss. Here you go. Have a great day" I said. She waved goodbye as she went back to work. "Wow. Well that was a little weird" Cyborg said. "I know that kinda put a downer on this evening" Beastboy said. "Whatever. But that wasn't our fault. Now let's dig in!" I said. We all grabbed our forks and began eating the food. It was really good.
"This chicken is amazing!"
I said. I saw Beastboy get up from the table and wrapped the chicken in his napkin and threw it away. It was really funny. But what a waste. If he didn't like meat he should've ordered a salad. "Oh BB relax. Eat the pasta. Its really good" Cyborg said. Beastboy put the pasta in his mouth and started chewing. Beastboy then put the whole pasta down his throat by just one bite. Wow. That guy could eat! But I didn't really care about them right now. Right now I'm focusing on me and Raven. That's all I'm ever looking at tonight. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you looked" I said. She blushed.
"Oh only like a million times" she said chuckling.
"Yeah but seriously. You look beautiful" I said. She blushed so hard that her face was matching the color of the sauce of the pasta. Everyone at the table heard what I just said and started saying aww. I blushed like crazy. Wow. I never blush. I mean NEVER!. I'm too cool to blush. But I guess if I had to start blushing for a reason, I'm glad that Raven was the reason.
"I love you" Raven said. The next thing I knew the table next to ours water glass broke. I was a little creeped out. Maybe this restaurant isn't so top notch. Then everyone turned to Raven. "Raven you did that?"
I asked shocked. "Not on purpose. It happens when I'm feeling really deep into an emotion?" She said. "What emotion was that?" Robin asked. "Love" she said blushing. I was shocked but then I was happy because she really loves me and I really love her. "Oh don't be embarrassed. Its okay" I said holding her hand from across the table. "Hey guess what?" I said. "What? Raven asked. "I love you too" I said kissing her cheek. She blushed again. Next thing that broke wad the man's plate. "Hey let's get to the
Next destination I had planned for us before Raven breaks another thing" Robin said. "And what place will this be?" Terra asked.
"We're going dancing!". Great. Raven looked at my face and laughed at my expression. "Hey! Don't wear that face. I usually wear that face!" Raven mocked me. "Haha very funny" I said. As we finished eating, Robin paid for the damages and the dinner and we got into our limousine and we headed off to the club.

We got to the club and it was a fun place. There was a great DJ who was playing great music. When we entered it was actually tempting. But I don't dance. So Everyone except me and Raven went to the dance floor. We were at the bar just sitting there just talking. We both realized that we both don't dance to upbeat music. Or at least not in public. But if I did dance I probably don't dance good. Then I saw Beastboy and Cyborg go up to the Dj to request a song.
We noticed what they were doing when Cyborg pointed to us. Great. The song they played was THINKING OUT LOUD.
I love this song. "May I have this dance" I said holding my hand out for Raven. "Yes you may". I know I don't dance but when its romantic songs I just pretend that I like dancing. But only for a minute. We danced to the song all night. Then I realized this is the perfect moment to give it to her. My surprise. "Raven?" I called her. "Yes Delsin" she said looking me in the eyes.
"I think I'm ready to give you your gift". "Really?" she asked in a high pitched voice. "Really. Here" I said handing her the box. "Rings?
You got me rings" she said.
"I got us promise rings. You take the one that has the letter D and I'll take the one that says R. It's a symbol of our names" I said.
I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. "I love it" Raven said kissing me passionately. I kissed her back.this was really a perfect moment. I never wanted this moment to end. She put her leg on my waist. I knew it wouldn't last long. "Um Raven. Promise rings doesn't allow that kind of access" I said. "Oh yeah but at least let it stay there" Raven said. I nodded. Now she put her leg down we began slow dancing again. This was the most happiest moment of my life. And nothing could change that.
Suddenly the walls in the room crashed. Ok maybe somethings could change my happiest moments of my life. I grabbed Raven's waist and jumped out off the way. It was Augustine and Slade. "Hello Titans, we told you we'd be seeing you soon" Slade said. "We didn't know you were on a date. Opps! Well aren't we a couple of party crashers" Augustine said. We all got into our fighting positions. Raven was behind me and Starfire and Robin were up front Cyborg and Bumblebee were at the side of them and Beastboy and Terra were right infront of me and Raven. "Hello Delsin. Protecting your little girlfriend I see" she said.
"If only you did that with your brother. He would probably be alive this very moment" Augustine mocked me.
I was about to explode. I was gonna rip her head off for what she did to Reggie. "Delsin just let it go she's baiting you" Raven said. "Reggie died saving me for what you did. I'm surprised you even allowed to walk the streets without getting followed by an angry mob" I said. "Look we didn't come here to start small talk. We just came for a certain someone" Slade said. "Everyone just looked my way. "Delsin come with us and you will have everything you ever wanted" Slade lied. "And what if I don't?" I asked. "Then we will kill you and everyone you ever love. Starting with the purple haired girl" Slade threatened. "Thanks but I can take you" I said as I attacked Augustine first while the rest attacked Slade. Augustine had her concrete force field on her and she was floating around.
I hit her with my video swarm of swords. It tookd own her defense and I ran to her and I kicked her. I realized I left my chain at the tower so I had to improvise. I used a the microphone from the stage and hit her. She hit me with
A concrete bomb and I fell to the floor. I noticed Slade had Raven in a corner and Slade brought his robots so everyone was busy. Slade got out a knife and was about to stab Raven. I got up and ran to him and yelled.
"STOP. STOP. STOP SLADE. Fine I'll go with you" I said. He turned around and Raven ran to me.
"No Delsin! no. We will find
Another way but Delsin don't leave me" Raven said crying.
"He was about to kill you. I have no choice Raven. And just know that if I end up fighting you guys just know that its not the real me. I love you Raven" I said kissing her forehead."Delsin don't go, Please" Raven said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Raven I said LET ME GO!!!" I said in my other voice. Raven's look went from crying to scared. I kind of scared myself. I used my other voice on Raven. I scared her.I have to learn how to control it better. But in time. Now I must leave to start training with my new leader. I walked to Slade and Augustine and bowed before them. "I'm ready to go master"

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