chapter fourteen

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Raven p.o.v.

When we landed in an area that the D.U.P. can't trace. Delsin said that he defeated Augustine but there are still some D.U.P. soldiers around Seattle. Once we got out of the jet we glanced at the city. Delsin was right. The city is beautiful. "Whoa dudes look at the space needle. We gotta go check it out" Beastboy said. "Maybe another time Beastboy. But now we need to check into a hotel and drop our luggage off" Robin said. We roamed around the city of Seattle to find a hotel which is cheap but is also nice as well. We finally found a cheap hotel and we checked in and we have to have a roommates. I was with Starfire, Beastboy was with Terra and Robin was with Cyborg. As we all got settled in we all decided to go out and get something to eat. I especially agreed because I was starving. Even though I already ate on the jet but still. Robin went to the information stand. The woman said that there was a fast food restaurant just down the street from here. It's called Olofs. We walked down the street. Starfire held onto me because I was feeling a little weak but that's probably a normal phase when you're pregnant. We walked into the restaurant and it was a little fancy to be a fast food restaurant. Wow. Seattle's fast food restaurant is cleaner than ours. Well I totally feel ashamed. Everyone just ordered a coffee or a donut. I ordered a a sandwich. A salad and some water. Had to watch what I'm eating now. We ate there because I didn't really feel like walking back. We sat at a seat facing the window.
"Friend Raven. You seem to be quite the hungry" Starfire said as I already devoured my sandwich. "Yeah no kidding" Terra stated. I just smirked at her comment. I realized that Terra might not be so bad.I mean maybe she is... not... totally... a bad person. She is actually quite likeable. "Titans. Look" Robin said. We turned our heads to see a truck that said D.U.P. law enforcement.
Then we saw soldiers come out of their truck and started shooting at someone. Then that person came down from Olofs's roof.
He started hitting the soldiers with his chain.....
Wait he looks familiar. The red beanie. The jean jacket vest. The logo on the back of the vest. I know exactly who it is. I found him without even trying. I am good! He then shot a smoke missile at the truck and it exploded. He then just walked off. I got up and ran through the door of Olofs.
I screamed his name. "DELSIN!!!" I shouted. I guess he didn't hear me. He had video wings and flew ontop of a building and and neon sprinted along side it."DELSIN!! IT'S ME RAVEN!" I shouted. He turned around and looked at me with surprised eyes.
"Raven?" Delsin said shocked.
The others ran out to see what was going on."Raven! What's wrong?" Robin asked. "Look there's Delsin. I found him" I said as I floated to him and slapped him.
"Ow! What was that for" he said rubbing his cheek
"That's for leaving me" I said and slapped him again.
"That's for breaking up with me". Then I hugging him.
"Now that I got that out of my system. I have something to tell you" I said.
"What is it" he said still rubbing his cheek. "This is a surprise that expresses our love. And if you don't love it then I really had feelings for a jerk" I said. "Okay okay just tell me already" he said. "I'm....... pregnant Delsin"
I announced. "What?! Oh my god. Really?!" He said tearing up. "Yep and its all yours" I said tearing up as well. "Oh my god I'm gonna be a father. Oh my god" he said.
"Delsin if you really want this baby you're gonna have to prove you're ready for it and that you will not run away at times of distress and fear" I said seriously. "I won't Raven. I promise you" Delsin said.
"I've heard that one before" I said chuckling. "I'm serious. I won't leave you Raven. I was honestly about to die without you here beside me"
He said. "Really?" I asked. "Really. I love you" Delsin said. " I love you too Delsin" I said kissing him. I missed his soft lips. He pulled back and looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing just thinking about turning these promise rings into commitment rings" Delsin said. "Of course you will. But if you asked like any other guy you would be surprised to hear my answer" I said trying to sound hard to get. "Ok will you marr..."
I tackled him with a hug.
"Yes! yes! a thousand times yes!!!". "Okay. Thanks Raven for making me the happiest man alive" Delsin said. "And thank you for giving me this wonderful gift of life and making me the happiest woman alive" I said kissing him. We were just sitting on some random billboard and talking for a couple of hours until we realized it was getting dark. Delsin picked me up bridle style and neon sprinted back to the hotel we were staying at. As we got back he gently put down me on my bed. I was sharing a room with Starfire but she wasn't back yet. None of them were. I think they went to go visit the space needle like Robin said they would earlier on in the day. So I started watching tv Then Delsin started walking away. "Hey where are you going?" I asked. "Well I'm going back to my warehouse. I don't want to invade your space" Delsin said.
"Get back here. You're sleeping with your fiancé wether you like it or not"
I said patting the other side of the bed. "Oh I like it alright" He said as he ran to the bed to off his pants and jacket vest and sweater and jumped into bed with me. I layed my head on his chest. This felt right. It feels like fate put us together. I've never loved anyone as much as I love Delsin. I fell asleep on his chest. I noticed he fell asleep to because he was breathing a little heavy. But I didn't care along as we were together.

I woke up feeling a little weirded out. I felt like I was being watched. I opened my eyes to see 5 Titans staring at me and Delsin. He woke up then shook a little because he was surprised.
"Hey guys how's it going?" Delsin said. I chuckled.
"Hey Friend Delsin. Where have you been?" Starfire asked. "Listen Star it doesn't matter where he was. All that matters is now he's back. By the way I have wonderful news" I said as I got out of bed. "What?! What is the most wonderful news?!" Starfire asked curiously. "Delsin asked me to marry him!" I squeaked like a little girl.
"Oh my god friend Raven this is most wonderful news" Starfire said hugging me.
"Yeah way to go Delsin. Now we can have a batchler party!!"
Cyborg said loudly. "Hey Starfire can I ask you something. In private?" Robin asked. "Sure boyfriend Robin" Starfire said.

Robin p.o.v.

I saw how Delsin and Raven were and how their creating a family together so I thought why don't me and Starfire do the same. I pulled Starfire out into the hall to ask her the most important question of my life. "Yes boyfriend Robin. Is there anything you'd like to say to me?" She asked. I looked into her beautiful green eyes and I already got all sweaty and nervous. "I.. Well... Starfire.. will um... you" I studdered. "Robin you can tell me anything. If we do not have the honesty then what do we have" Starfire said. She held my hand and looked me straightin the eyes. She really knows how to make feel comfortable. "Starfire. I know we haven't been dating very long but we've been friends for 3 years now. And in those 3 years I've grown to love you each and every day. What I'm trying to say is... Starfire. Will you marry me?" I asked with courage. Her face brighten up like a firefly. "YES YES! Robin I will marry you!" Starfire said as she kissed me passionately. YES! SHE SAID YES!! We are gonna get married! I've been waiting for this day to come and it finally came. I'm soo happy!! "We should tell the others about the glorious news!!" Starfire said excitedly. I nodded and we ran into the room to tell everyone the good news.

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