chapter thirteen

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Raven p.o.v.

Oh my god. I'm pregnant.
And I think I know who the father is. I have to find Delsin and tell him the news.
But he left for Seattle. Uhh why does he always has to be such a child?! He's acting like Beastboy. But at least Beastboy stays when we have an argument. But I want him here. With his son or daughter. And we can be a family. Because out of everything that happened, I still love that big douchebag! But I got to go tell the others.
I went to the common room and everyone was there. "Guys I have something to tell you"
I said nervously. "Yes friend Raven?" Starfire said.
"I'm.... pregnant with Delsin's kid" I announced.
Cyborg jumped up off the couch. "WHAT?!". "Yep and I'm going to Seattle to find Delsin and tell him" I said.
"Ok Raven we're coming with you" Terra said. But I still didn't trust her. But we haven't faught at all since she was here. Must be cause I was dating Beastboy and she loves Beastboy and I finally found someone who loves me. But if Beastboy happy then I'm happy. "Ok let's get some sleep cause we're leaving tomorrow morning" I said. They all nodded and went into their room's. I went to sleep in Delsin room because I missed him and his room smelled like him. Smoky residents. I Layed down on the pillow and rubbed my belly smoothly. "Where gonna find daddy tomorrow. He is going to love you just like I love you" I said to my baby. Im actually kinda scared about how this would turn out. What if I'm a bad mother. What if Delsin doesn't accept his chid. Oh my god! Too much stress! Too much stress! I need to meditate.

After my meditation I looked at my clock. it is 10:47 am Wow! When I started my meditation it was 8:30. Okay I could go shower and get ready for the long trip. I went to the shower and had a 5 minute shower. After I finished I grabbed my towel and wrapped it above my breasts. I felt the baby's kick again. I was smiling but then a tear came down my face. 'What if the baby grows up without a father. What if I never find Delsin' I thought. But I wasn't going to give up. I love Delsin and I know he loves me too. So I will not give up. Someone was knocking on my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me Beastboy".
"Just a second" I said as I ran to my drawer and I put on my leotard and my cloak. "Hey Beastboy. what's up?" I asked. "Nothing just wanted to check up on you. Can I come in?" He asked. I nodded and he walked past me. He sat on my bed and I sat next to him. "So you all ready to...." Beastboy interrupted me. "Raven if we don't find Delsin. I'll be happy to be the father of your kids".
I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. But I thought he was in love with Terra "Beastboy...".
"Raven I love you. I always have. And when I saw you with Delsin. I was so jealous. I wanna be with you" Beastboy said before kissing me. I was so shocked I didn't move. I didn't feel anything with Beastboy anymore. If I didn't find Delsin I'd rather raise the baby alone then. I just don't have feelings for Beastboy anymore. I pushed Beastboy off of me. "Beastboy I don't feel the same way anymore. I only think of you as a friend. I'm sorry. And as your friend I will keep this kiss between the two of us. Now please leave my room" I said. His eyes were filling with tears. I felt really bad but I didn't want to lie to him. He deserves better.
"I understand Raven. So I'm really looking forward to being your friend and thanks for not telling anyone" he said as he walked out of my room. I was a little upset but I have gotten over him. And he needs to get over me as well. I needed to be thinking about something else so I remembered I needed to start packing so I went to my closet and found my backpack. I had when I first joined the Teen Titans. I ran away from home when I my father Trigon killed my mother and was gonna kill me next. I never really trusted anyone before I came here. This is my home. My family. And I'm making a new family and I want Delsin in it.
I put half of my clothes, toothbrush,3 books and my phone charger in the suitcase and went to the common room. Everyone was ready to get going into the T-jet. (or whatever it's called)
I was walking to the jet when Starfire came to me. "Hey Friend Raven. Are you the okay?" She asked. "Yeah Star. I'm confident that I will find Delsin. Nothing will stop me from finding him" I said with courage.
"Yes friend Raven! I believe you can" Starfire said.
I smiled. Starfire always had faith in me. One of the reasons why I love her so much. We loaded up the jet and we got on board. I was sitting down in the chair and I glanced over where Beastboy was sitting. He was talking to Terra. Terra then started hugging him but Beasty barely hugged back. I guess he doesn't feel crazy about Terra anymore. If only she knew that Beastboy cheated on her.

We were flying for one and a half hour and I woke up feeling hungry. I went to the fridge and made a sandwich. I ate it within 30 seconds. I was really hungry. Is this what being pregnant is like. Wow. This sucks! I went back to my chair and grabbed a book out of my suitcase. I read it for the next 2 hours and Cyborg spoke over the P.A. "we will now be landing in Seattle. Raven good luck. You're gonna need it". I smiled and looked at the city. The City is big but Beautiful. I can see the space needle from up here. Wow! So this is the Seattle. Well I'm gonna search every corner of this city until I find Delsin. "Here I come Delsin"

Delsin p.o.v.

I was just sitting on a roof watching over the city thinking about Raven. And I ask myself this question over and over again. "Why did I leave?". I just wanted to keep Raven safe because I love her. When I'm around her I can barely control myself so when we did it I completely lost it. What if I go back? Would she be mad at me? Will she still love me? These questions that I'm ever gonna ever find the answer to? Well I have a answer to all of them: I will never know. I then noticed a plane landing in Seattle. Ha hope they enjoy Seattle. This place had really stepped up its game when the D.U.P. left. But now they're back. Literally when I just got home I had to save this civilians from a D.U.P. raid. Really? I don't know how much I can give to this world anymore. Suddenly I saw drug dealers near the building I was on. I jumped off the building and I smoke slammed onto the ground. They were all surprised until they grabbed their guns and aimed at me. I smiled then I hit them with a sinder missile.
(In the game infamous second son a sinder missile is a missile that makes the enemies dizzy and gives you time to capture them) I captured all of them and called the police and burned the drugs but leaving a sample for evidence. I walked out of the ally and went to Olofs. I really needed the coffee. I was really tired. I went to get a coffee to just help me stay up. I then looked out the window to see 6 oddly dressed teens. But they looked familiar. Oh no. It can't be. The Teen Titans. What are they doing here in Seattle. "Oh I have to get outta here" I said jumping over the counter and went through the employee exit. I saw an air vent and smoke dashed through. I would do anything just to avoid Raven. I love her to death but I can't let her see me. Not after what I've done to her. I was on the roof so I can watch them walk past the restaurant. But I noticed Raven's belly gotten a little bigger. Must be over eating since I left. Not that I know she was eating because of me but just a wild guess. They went into the restaurant so I decided to neon sprint out of here.

As I got to the farthest billboard from the restaurant I was sat down shocked.
"She actually followed me"

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