chapter six

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Delsin p.o.v

I can't believe What I just heard."What do you mean? I can stay here as long as I want. I mean Seattle has nothing except drug dealers now. Nothing really happens in Seattle" I said. "But D there's D.U.P. around here. We need you here" Fetch said. "Yeah Delsin you can't abandon your duties forever" Eugene said.
"You know what whatever guys I got to go I'm getting tired. I'll talk to you later. Bye" I said as I hung up. I wasn't really tired but they were pissing me off. I mean why do I have to do everything. When I was back in Seattle, I was the only one taking care of the problems that were going on in that crazy city. And not once did Fetch and/or Eugene stop and give me a hand. Wow. I really do have great friends. I just decided to go to sleep. Fetch and Eugene just both pissed me off. But then My door was being knocked on. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me Raven". Wow. Raven knocking on my door at this time of the night. Ok she must be lonely. But if she was lonely, she would've gone to Beastboy's room. I got up and opened the door. Raven was standing outside my door and she was in tears. "He..hey Delsin. Can... I come in?" She asked in her shaky voice. I Let her in and she sat on my bed. I sat next to her. I saw bruises and scars on her face. What the hell happened?! "Raven what happened to you". I asked worried. Raven just stayed silent. "Raven tell me what happened to you?" I asked again. Again. Silence. "Raven! I can't help you if you don't tell me. Now I'm going to ask you again. What happened?" I asked.
"Beastboy....." Raven finally said but studdering cause she was crying. "Beastboy did this to you?" I asked firmly. She nodded. "Okay. Thats a start. But did Beastboy hit you for what reason?" I asked. "We were just making out. Like what we usually do" She said. I tried to listen along but it was kinda hard to hear your crush making out with another guy. So I just nodded. "But Beastboy wanted to go further than what we were doing. But I wasn't ready. I told him to quit it but he held my hands down and wouldn't let go" Raven said started to cry again. Ok I was really getting tired of this story. "Raven just tell me what the problem is" I said getting frustrated. "Beastboy.....raped me" Raven said as she started crying. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I started at her and I couldn't do anything else other then cry. "What?" I said tearing up." Beastboy... raped..m.." I interrupted her with a hug and she hugged back. "Stop. Just stop. Don't tell me anything else just stop" I tried to comfort her. Why would Beastboy do this to his own girlfriend? I should kill him for what he did to Raven. "Delsin?" She called.
"Yeah Raven" I answered.
"Can I sleep with you. I feel safe and secure when I'm around you" she said blushing. "Of course Raven. You are welcome to my room any time" I said as I lay down and tried to go to sleep. Then I noticed a head on my chest. It was Raven. She fell asleep already. I mean all that crying should tire her out, plus that aggressively stick poking her repeatedly should to if you know what I mean. But I do feel bad for her. Her virginity just taken away like that. Wow. I kissed her forehead and looked at her beautiful grey face. "goodnight Raven"

Raven p.o.v

I woke up in Delsin's room. But not noticing that I was beside something that was really warm. I Look to my side and I noticed I was on a sleeping Delsin's chest. I didn't mind being there, thought. I mean he is so charming and he is really nice and very strong. And his six pack is sooo ripped. but he probably doesn't feel the same way so I got up. He woke up instantly when I removed my head from his chest. Wow. He really doesn't like sleeping by himself. "Why did you move your head?" He asked with his morning voice. "I thought you wouldn't want it there" I said. "No put your head back it feels good" Delsin said as he lays back down I put my head back. He wrapped his arms around me and held a little tight. But honestly I loved it. "You ok?" He asked me. "I'm still upset that he did that to me" I said with a tear coming down my face. Delsin looked at me and wiped it away with his thumb.
"You know what? I'm gonna take you out" he said. "What?" I asked curiously.
"I mean not like a date or anything but to get your mind off of things. That sounds good?" He asked. Does that sound good? It sounds perfect! All I wanted was for Delsin and I go somewhere without people in the same area so I could tell him how I feel.... maybe. It depends.
"Yes that sounds wonderful. When do you what to leave?".
"In a few minutes go get dressed" he said. I got up and ran to my room.

Beastboy p.o.v.

I haven't seen Raven all morning and last night she didn't come back to bed but I was to tired to go look for her so I went to sleep. I then saw Raven run down the hallway from Delsin's room to her room. I decided to go have a talk with Raven to see how she was doing.
"Hey Rae" I said as I walk into her room. She was wearing black jeans and blue shirt and a purple sweater.
"Hey" she replied. "So want to go for a walk in the park" I asked. "Why would I go with someone who hurt me in a way that can't be described" she hissed. "Beastboy we're done"
She past me. How dare she break up with me after all the love I gave her last night. But then I realized the scars on face that were healing. Maybe last night wasn't so great for her. "Look Raven I'm sorry. I didn't know that I hurt you last night" I said. She sighed. "Ok fine Beastboy I forgive you but one more mistake and we are done for good" Raven said. I kissed her beautiful lips. "Hey why you all dressed up?" I asked curiously. "Delsin taking me out" she answered. I was a little bit mad at the fact that Delsin taking my girlfriend out. I just wanted to spend time with Raven today because I have a surprise for her. "Cool I had a surprise for you but go have fun with Delsin" I said.
"What?! Oh um... I think Delsin will understand and we'llgo another time. I'll go tell him" she said. I can't wait to show her the surprise.

Raven p.o.v.

I went into Delsin's room and knocked. I just hope he understands. "Who is it" he asked. "It's me Raven. Ah..Listen Delsin we don't have to go out anymore" I said. He opened the door with nothing but jeans on. His six pack was sexy and he didn't have his red beanie on so his hair was so beautiful. "Why are you canceling. I had this thing planned and I think you'd like it and....." I interrupted him. "Beastboy has a surprise for me and I want to see it" I said excited. He had a confused look on his face. "Wait a minute.... your still with him?" He asked a little frustrated. "Raven please don't tell me that you're not that stupid?" He said. "Excuse me?" I said. "Raven you know what he did to you and you're still going back to him?!" Yelled in my face.
"Well I can watch out for myself and I don't need stupid advice! Especially not from a Bio Terrorist!" I yelled back in his face. The look on his face was terrible. I never felt so bad in my life. His emotions was mixed with anger and hurt.
"Well I'm sorry to see you make the most stupidest mistake over and over again" he said and put back on his clothes and jumped through the window. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm going back to Seattle where people appreciate me. And to think I fell in love with a Blood sucking Demon" he said as he grew blue digital wings and flew off. I started crying. He called me a Blood sucking Demon! But I called him a Bio Terrorist. I guess it was fair enough. But wait what did he say before that? I think he said he loved me

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