chapter seventeen

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Malchior p.o.v.

He thinks he's so powerful. He has no idea who he's messing with. I am the most powerful man alive. And I will do anything to win Raven back even if it means I have to kill Delsin then I will.
I will kill him even if it's the last thing I do.
I was back to reality when a cop was banging on the cell bars. "Alright get up maggot it's lunch time. Chop chop. Let's go" the cop said. I walked up to the cell door and waited for the line of prisoners that form and to lead down to the cafeteria. The line was formed and I was about to join it when a cop stopped me and told me that I have visitors. That's weird. I don't remember having friends on the outside of this prison. If it's Delsin I will be really the cop told me I let him I let him escort me to the visitor center.

I sat down in the chair and saw someone very unexpected.
"Hello Malchior". "Hello Slade. How can I be of assistance" I asked. "No Malchior it is how I can be of assistance to you. You see we all know you hate Delsin. We all hate Delsin. And you want to take him out. And we also want to take him out"
"Whoa wait..... who's we I only see you here" I said.
Then this woman appeared from behind Slade and walked up to me. "Hi my name is Augustine. I am a conduit just like Delsin. Im here to take Delsin down and Slade thinks you can help us" she said.
"Help us defeat the Titans and you get to kill Delsin and take back what's rightfully yours....Raven"
"I'm in" I said. "Good choice. Now let's get you outta here"

Raven p.o.v.

As we reached the Tower I was relieved because I thought I would never find Delsin and bring him home where he belongs. "Wow it feels good to be home" Delsin said.
"Yeah and that means no more running away. I can't take you being somewhere else and not with me" I snuggling his arm. I can't imagine being with anyone else but Delsin. I also can't imagine Delsin being with someone else but me. It would break my heart to see him kiss another girl.
I thought Beastboy was the one but I guess I just had to wait and see. "So I know it's your birthday is tomorrow and we are going to celebrate it"
I said. "Wait how did you know my Birthday was tomorrow?" Delsin said raising his eyebrow. "I read your mind fool" I said kissing his cheek. "Wait it's friend Delsin's birthday tomorrow.
We shall do the birthday party and invite Titans East" Starfire said already planning for his birthday. "Okay sure invite them if you want Star. But nothing too big Starfire. I'm not a real party kinda guy" he said. I just scoffed. He kissed my cheek and I just blushed. Then Starfire ran to tell the others about the party she's throwing for Delsin. "You know what's funny? You dress like a badass but then you have the most sweetest personality. You are so confusing at times" I said. "Yeah because you changed me" he said kissing me. Then Delsin's phone got a message.
He checked it then got up from the couch and walked down the hallway to the bedrooms. He said he would be back in a few minutes but he's starting to get me worried again. So I followed him

Delsin p.o.v.

I have an message from Fetch saying it's important. I went into my room and locked the door behind me. I called Fetch back. "Hey D we need to talk can we meet at.....".
"I'm not in Seattle anymore I'm back at Jump City with Raven" I said. "Oh okay well you should learn how to tell your friends when you leave the city. You know like what normal people do when they leave" Fetch said. "Okay I'm sorry for not telling you okay. So what happened?" I asked. "Well there was someone who broke out of prison and he had accomplices. His name is Malchior" Fetch said. When I heard the name I couldn't even breath right. He escaped from prison. And now he's after me and my Raven. But then I realized he had accomplices. Oh boy! This isn't good! But who could they be? "Yeah I've met Malchior before but do you know who were his little helpers were?" I asked. "When me and Eugene came to the crime scene we saw concrete walls and some injured police men with concrete daggers in them. So I think Augustine is back" Fetch said. I knew she would come back I just knew it. But why would she help Malchior escape? What does she want from him? This all doesn't make sense. "Ok thanks for telling me. See you around" I hung up the phone. Malchior must be on his way to Jump City. I have to tell Robin. But I don't want to make Raven worry. I turned around to see a worried grey skinned woman. How long was she standing there for? "Is everything okay Delsin? What's wrong?" Raven asked. "Malchior broke out of prison and he had help from Augustine and from someone else" I said. Raven looked scared and ran to me. She hugged tightly. "Don't worry Raven. I won't let anything happen to you I promise with my life that he won't touch you. I love you Raven" I said. "I love you too Delsin but I'm not worried about myself" she said. "What do you mean? Raven I'm not gonna die or anything. I am stronger than him. I will win" I said. "Don't get too cocky" she said.
I hugged her and she kissed me. If Malchior wants Raven he'll have to get through me first.

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