chapter sixteen

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Delsin p.o.v.

I have to find this guy and keep him away from Raven before he gets to her.
Why did he come at the worst time of all. At least when Raven wasn't pregnant she could fight and protect herself when I'm not around. She's totally vulnerable. But Raven was pregnant. And if this Malchior guy is in Seattle, Raven's not safe here. I have to get her home.
I grabbed Raven's communicator and called the rest of the Team. "Come in Titans. Titans come in"
"Yes Rav... oh hey Delsin what's up" Robin said
"Yes friend Delsin. May I be in needed of assistance" Starfire said.
"Yes Rae. Oh it's Delsin" Beastboy said.
"Yes Raven. Oh my bad Delsin"
Cyborg said. He was with Terra so no need for her to answer.
"Hey guys sorry to interrupt but we got to meet up at the hotel. Hurry up and get here" I said worried. "What's the matter Delsin? Is something wrong?" Robin asked. "I can't really say it on the communicator. Just please come back to the hotel?" I begged. "Alright we'll be there" Robin said as he signed out.
I got up from the bed and grabbed Raven's suitcase. I took out all the clothes from the closest and stuffed them in the suitcase. "What's wrong sweetie" Raven said kissing me on my cheek.
"You have to leave. No time to discuss things. The rest of the Titans are on their way....". "Wait what's going on? And did you mean by I have to leave. You're coming with me, right?" She said.
"Raven. Malchior is coming for you. If I go with you then he'll just follow us to Jump City. I'll try to hold him off long enough for you and the Titans to leave Seattle. You have to leave me here. I'll come to find when it's over" I said.
Raven let tears come down here face.
"No.. no.. No! Im not leaving you here. Delsin you need all the help you can get. I can't let you do this by yourself. You'll DIE!!!".
"Raven trust me. I'll be fine. I promise" I said.
"Don't make promises you can't keep" Raven said. "Raven I have to do this. If Malchior gets to you I swear to God..." I said. "Delsin you promised me that you'll stay with me and that you won't run away from fear and distress. You promised me" Raven said holding my hand. "But I'm not in fear or distress. I can do this Raven" I said. "So what happens if you lose? Huh? What happens if Malchior kills you? If you die Delsin my life has no meaning anymore" Raven said crying. "Raven I promise you that I will survive this. I won't die" I said. Ikissed Raven's forehead and and got back to packing Raven's suitcase. Raven was quite as I did so. I won't let Malchior touch Raven, even if it kills me.

As we got down to the lobby, I dropped Raven's suitcase on the floor and waited for the Titans to show up. I looked at Raven. She had a tear slide down her face. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I'm about to watch my fiancé make the biggest mistake of his life. Do you really think I'm okay?" She said sarcastically. Finally the Titans show up. Finally. it was getting kind of awkward. "Delsin what's the emergency?" Robin asked.
"Raven needs to leave Seattle. Malchior is coming for her and it's dangerous for her to fight when she's pregnant" I said. "Ok we'll take her back to jump city. Are you coming Delsin?"
I looked at the love of my life. She looked heartbroken.
She had her hood up to hide her tears. But I had to do this. It was to keep her safe. I have to fight him here and she'll be safer back at Jump City. "No I have to stay here in order to fully protect her and my son or daughter" I said. Robin nodded and tried to escort Raven to the T-jet. But she refused the offer and started shouted at me. "SO YOU THINK LEAVING ME IS GONNA PROTECT ME THEN STAYING WITH ME. YOU DON'T GET IT, DON'T YOU? I FEEL SAFER WHEN I'M WITH YOU. I LOVE AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT MY FIANCÉ GETTING KILLED. YOU ARE COMING WITH US DELSIN. I'M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!!!". "Look Raven I...". "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!! YOU ARE COMING WITH US NOW DELSIN!!" Raven interrupted. Her eyes started to glow white. Wow. I think that was a sign of 'I need to listen to her before she kills me'.
"Okay okay okay.... I'll come with you" I said. She nodded and pecked my lips. Everyone was watching us.. well mostly Raven because I think she scared them. Even Terra. Haha! But I can't lie, I was pretty scared too. Raven and I were waiting for everyone to finish packing. "Hey um.. Delsin I'm sorry if I scared you or anything. It's just that I love you and at times you left me I thought I always let you go. So this time I wasn't gonna let you go. I had to fight for what I wanted. You" Raven said. "No I get it. I shouldn't have left you so many times and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I thought I was protecting you if I left and I didn't want to see you get hurt because it was all my fault" I said. "It's okay. Hey do you want to go back into the hotel room and watch some tv?" She asked. I nodded and we walked into the elevator and went into the hotel room. I was laying on the bed and Raven was by the table reading a book. I was watching tv when Raven walked up and layed down on my chest. She kissed my nose and looked me in the eyes. "Did I ever tell you that you have pretty brown eyes?" she said. "Did I ever tell you I love your skin color" I said kissing her forehead.
"Your skin is a beautiful shade of grey. I'm so lucky to have you" I said. "I'm really lucky I have you" she said kissing me passionately.
"Delsin?" She called.
"Yes?"I answered.
"I have to tell you something". "Raven you can tell me anything" I said.
"You know that I'm half demon
From my planet Azerath. I didn't tell you about my family. You know Trigon?" She said. "Yes I know Trigon. The evil overlord and the planet consumer or destroyer. Same difference" I said. "Yeah... well..... he's...he's my....
Dad" Raven said. I was shocked. I mean I can overlook that she is a demon but the daughter of Trigon. That is messed up.
"Delsin say something" Raven said snapping her fingers in my face to wake me up out of my inner thoughts.
"I'm still trying to process this... so I'm about to marry the daughter of Trigon" I said as calmly and collected as possible before I started to freak out. "But I'm nothing like him. My father wants me to destroy worlds and take down the Teen Titans. But I refused and helped the Titans save the world" she said. She tried to hug me but I refused. I was too scared of her. Raven looked confused for a moment.
"Delsin what's wrong with you. "Why are you acting like this?" Raven asked. "I'm not acting like anything. Just being myself" I said nervously. "So them why are you moving away from me when I try to hug you? Raven asked.
"Im not moving away from you"
I answered.
I yelled. I wish I could take back what I said because Raven's eyes were filling up with tears. "I'm scaring you?" She said. "Raven you tell me you're a demon but you tell me you're the daughter of the most evil demon alive. I'm afraid of what could become of you when you get angry. But I love you too much to let you go" I said moving closer to her and kissing her. She kissed back forcefully. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and I played with it. We were making out for a while until we broke the kiss so we can catch our breath. We were talking for a while longer until the others were ready.
We signed out of the hotel and went back to the ship.

As we took off into the air I noticed Raven was asleep on my chest. Why does she like my chest so much? "Because your chest is really warm. Like your heart" Raven muttered in her sleep. "How did you....". Her eyes fluttered open. "I can read your mind Delsin" Raven answered as she kissed my cheek and got up from the chair. I had to assist her because the belly was giving her trouble to stand up on her own. She smiled at me for helping her. Raven's belly was getting kinda big but she was only been pregnant for a few days. "Are you sure that this pregnancy thing is not some custom thing that happens to women on your planet?" I asked. "I don't know I've never been pregnant before" she smirked. "But if it is let's think of baby names". "Ok fine"

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