chapter seven

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Raven p.o.v

Delsin just said he fell in love with me. ME!!!
Oh my god. So he did feel the same way. And I yelled at him and called him a Bio Terrorist. After he tried to help me not make the same mistake over and over again. And Delsin hates my guts now. I have to find him and tell how I feel about him. I ran into my room and changed into my uniform.

Beastboy p.o.v.

I was waiting for Raven to knock on my door so I can give her the surprise. But Raven never came. She probably wants to do this in the middle of the night. Alright Raven! I got a freak for a girlfriend. But I love it. I was about to put the surprise away in my cabinet when I got a knock on my door. Oh okay well I guess Raven wants to do this right now. I opened the door to see Terra standing there looking so innocent. "What do you want Terra" I scoffed at her. "Beastboy I need to talk to you. May I please enter?" She asked. I moved the right side of my body to let her in. I close my door so we can talk in private. "Okaycan you hurry this along. Raven will be here shortly" I said rushing her. "Beastboy I'm sorry for betraying our love but I was forced to. I love you too much to have our relationship being thrown away like this" Terra hugged me. "Okay Terra I forgive you" I said. "Thank you so much Beasty. I will never betray our relationship ever again. And I'll prove it to you" Terra said as she leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked but I didn't move because I didn't know what to do. But just as our lips touched Raven walked in the room. Her face was shocked and shocked turned "Raven. I can explain" I said nervously. "You know what Beastboy? It's okay. Because this works out for everyone. But we're over. Hope we can still be friends though" Raven ran down the hallway. "Where are you going?!" I yelled down the hall so she can hear me. "To find Delsin and tell him how I feel!" she yelled back. Well great. Just fantastic. I lost the women of my dreams. I face planted on my bed. I didn't really want to do anything. I just lost the women of my dreams. "Hey. You wanna go get some ice cream?" Terra asked me. "Ice cream wouldn't hurt. Yeah sure" I said as we got off my bed and left the room.

Raven p.o.v.

I have to go find Delsin and tell him how I feel about him. But first I went to Beastboy's room to tell him that this was a big misunderstanding that we can't . But I opened the Beastboy's door to see Beastboy kissing Terra. They both jump to my appearance "Raven I can explain...." all I did was smile. Because I'm free and I'm going to chase down the man I love. "Oh no it's okay Beastboy. I don't need an explanation. I'm breaking up with you so we can both be happy. Hope we can still be friends" I said running down the hall laughing. I have to tell Delsin how I feel. I can't live without him. He just lights me up inside even though I am really dark and gloomy. But he changed me. Suddenly the alarm went off. Crime in the city?! Right now?!
Why does the alarm go off now?! Outof all the times the alarm has to ring now?!
We all ran to the common room to see what's up. "Robin what's going on?" Cyborg said. "There is a girl attacking town. Her name is Augustine. She's a conduit like Delsin. By the way where is Delsin anyway?" Robin asked. Everyone was looking at each other and asking if anyone knew where Delsin was, then everyone was now looking at me. Great. "He went for a walk" I lied. "That's funny. Wouldn't Delsin have told us before he left?" Robin asked. "He just.... left. Okay. I don't know where he is. Now can we just go already" I said getting annoyed.
" we will meet him at the battle in town. TITANS GO!!

Delsin p.o.v.

She doesn't want help from me. A Bio Terrorist. Fine. I'm going home where people appreciate me. "Hey Delsin. Listen....". "You were right Fetch. I should've came home along time ago. I said with a tear coming down my face. Eugene noticed and pushed me slightly. "Hey cheer up Delsin. There are more beautiful girls in Seattle"
Eugene said. "Yeah but Raven was one of a kind and she loves Beastboy. My heart hurts. I will never love again" I said. But then I heard a loud crash and some cars started flying. I went to the corner and saw.....oh no it... it can't be...
"Oh there you are Delsin. I've been looking for you everywhere. Now I'm here to take back the name. The greatest conduit that has ever lived" Augustine said.
Great. "Well you're gonna have to get through us first" Fetch yelled. She was about to attack when she was hit with black ninja blade and then I heard Titans attack.
Uh oh. A green gorilla jumped and tried to punch Augustine but she use the concrete whip and hit him with. He was ok.
Raven ran to me. I told Fetch and Eugene to attack. They did as I asked. "Delsin I'm so sorry I yelled in your face" Raven said. "no I'm sorry for calling you stupid" I said. We both hugged it out and she said the words that I've been waiting to hear forever. "I love you Delsin"

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