chapter nineteen

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Raven p.o.v.

"Yes its me Delsin" I said opening my arms so Delsin could give me a hug. "Is the baby okay?" He said putting his head to my belly. "Yes the baby is fine you saved him or her too" I answered. "But how?" Delsin asked. "You saved me just in time before I died.I needed time to fully heal so I was just in my own thoughts for a while" I said. "For a while?! Raven you were gone for 3 days. We all thought you were dead. We were about to put you in a coffin and burry you" Delsin said. "Oh.... that explains the dress. Let me guess... Starfire put me in this" I said. "You know it. Now let's go tell the others about your recovery" Delsin said. "Or.. we can have some fun with this" I said grinning from ear to ear. "Okay I don't think we should scare them to death" he said. "Oh come on. It'll be funny" I said kissing his cheek. "Alright fine. What did you have in mind?" He asked. I told him my plan and he started laughing like crazy. Suddenly we both heard footsteps coming close to the door. I pretend to play dead so they don't know I'm alive.

Delsin p.o.v.

"Delsin it's time. Are you okay?" Cyborg asked. "Yeah I just needed to say a personal goodbye" I said. "Okay help me carry her body to the coffin in the common room" Cyborg said. Cyborg held the top half of Raven and I held the bottom. "I'm sorry about Raven, Delsin. I mean you were about to raise a family together and now she's dead" Cyborg said. "I can't believe she's gone. We were gonna do so much together" I said trying to hold back my laugh but it might've been a weep to Cyborg. As we reach the common room, everyone was in there waiting for us to bring Raven's body to the coffin. I tried to fake cry but I never past drama class in high school for a reason. "Friend Delsin I am truly sorry for your loss of friend Raven. She was the love of your life. If you ever need anything, I am here for you" Starfire said hugging me. "Thanks Starfire. It's nice to know that I have friends who are there for me" I said. As she walked off I saw Beastboy and Terra holding hands by Raven's coffin. And Robin and Starfire were talking to..... oh my god.... is that.... BATMAN!!!! Oh my god I'm such a huge fan! He is so cool! 'Keep it together Delsin. We have to go through with the prank' Raven's voice said inside my head. Wow. So she can talk inside my head now. That's cool. Or more likely creepy but I still love her. "Excuse me are you Delsin Rowe. The famous conduit" Batman said as he approached me. "Uh.... yeah. Yeah hi I'm Delsin Rowe" I said. "Hi well you already know me. I'm so sorry for your loss. You would've seemed to be a great husband and father" Bruce said. I didn't answer cause I was shocked that I'm talking to Batman. "Hello?" Bruce said waving his hands in front of my face to get my attention. "Oh sorry. I'm still shocked that I'm talking to the Batman. But Thank you. I'm gonna miss them" I said. Finally the funeral finally got started. The first person to speak was Robin. "We all are gathered here today on behalf of the memory of Rachel Roth known as Raven. Raven wasn't a open person. She is a very sarcastic person. Everything she said had to be a sarcastic joke. But she hasn't really opened up to anyone other than Beastboy and Delsin. But mostly Delsin. Delsin would you like to come up and say a few words" Robin said. I didn't know what to or what to say. 'I'll que you when I its time' Raven's voice said. I walked up to the podium and looked at the crowd. Wow. There's the Titans East, Justice League. And the Teen Titans. I just hope I don't get killed during this prank. "Well... everytime I looked at Raven I just think: is it fate that really brought us together or was it just a coincidence? Is our love really true or was it just like a high school crush and then a major break up happens? These are questions I never had the answer to until our lips touch and I already have the answer. Our love will last forever...." 'okay I'm starting the prank now!" Raven's voice said. Suddenly the ground started to shake and the room was getting hot. Then Raven's coffin shot open and her body started floating. "Friend Raven?" Starfire asked. "THE RAVEN YOU KNEW IS GONE. I AM DENA. A DEMON TRIGON HAS SENT TO DESTROY YOUR WORLD!!!" she said. Everyone was running away scared. Wow. And their the heroes. But suddenly Dena started breaking out laughing. Finally the prank is over I can finally start laughing. I've been holding in since me and Cyborg carried Raven's body to the coffin. "Pranked you! Oh my god that was hilarious!" Raven shouted laughing. "So wait a minute. So youbrought Raven back to life and you both decided to prank us?" Beastboy asked confused. "I never died. Delsin saved me just in time. I was just in Nevermore" Raven explained. "Wait! What's Nevermore?" I asked. "It's just a place where my emotions live.I'll show you later" Raven said. "But what about the baby friend Raven? Is it the okay?" Starfire asked worried. "The baby's fine. Delsin saved it too" Raven said. "Oh okay. So Raven, Delsin. You wouldn't mind if we all kill you for scaring us like that. Right?" Robin asked. "Yes! Yes! We would mind actually" I said. "Too bad! GET'EM!!". "Hey Delsin? How about that trip to Nevermore!" Raven said as she opened up a portal. "Sounds like a plan!" I said as I grabbed Raven's hand and ran through the portal before we were killed and put in the coffin.

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