chapter twenty-one

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Raven p.o.v

I woke up beside Delsin. He was so warm. His abs are so hard and his skin is so smooth. I rubbed my hand through his hair. Surprisingly his hair is really greasy and he wears a beanie. I just smirked. I then looked at his face. He looks so handsome. I remember the time we first met. He was a little weird at first but then he was so charming. He stole my heart. I looked at him once more to see his greenish blue eyes. "Good morning sweetie" I said kissing his cheek. "Good morning my gorgeous" he said smiling. I tried to get up but my belly is obviously not letting me do so. Delsin got up and helped me up. "Are you sure this is not a Azerath thing because your belly looks like it just got bigger" Delsin said. "I'll look into it. But later though, I want to have breakfast. I wonder what Cyborg is cooking?" I asked curiously. "Probably waffles again. Its always waffles. Like make something else for a change" Delsin said. I slightly pushed him and chuckled. He laughed when he fell on my bed. I love his laugh. Its so adorable. "I love your laugh. Its so cute for a badass like you" I said laughing. "It's nice to see you laughing at my clumsiness. Now could you help a guy up?" Delsin said reaching his hand out for assistance. "You can't get up for yourself?" I said sarcastically. "Once you fall down on a foam mattress, you won't be able to even move a muscle" Delsin said. I just smirked and lifted him up with my powers. As his feet touched the floor, We walked through the common room doors and saw Starfire and Robin making out on the couch. They both turned around to and jumped in surprise when they saw us standing there. They're faces turned red from embarrassment. I just smirked and Delsin just pointed at Robin for some reason. Robin just blushed extremely. I don't even know what thats about. Its probably a guy thing. As we enter the kitchen I see Beastboy and Terra at the table cuddling. It's nice to see they worked out their problems. I remember when Terra first got here. She was such a bitch! Other than my father, I've never hated anyone more than I hated Terra. But now she's changed. And I like her this way. "Hey Rae! Hey Delsin! What's new?" Beastboy asked. "Nothing much BB just woke up. Feeling a little groggy. How about you?" Delsin said. "Oh nothing. Me and Beasty were just waiting for breakfast. Hey? Have you guys seen Cyborg? Usually he's here before any of us" Terra said. "Ok maybe he's still in bed or doing something that is important to him so let's just make our own breakfast today" Delsin said. I was way ahead of him. I already started making my tea and a batch of toast. Delsin was right, I'm kinda sick of eating waffles. Delsin went into the cereal cabinet and grabbed some honey nut cherrios. As we finished making our breakfast I wanted to go sit in our room and just hang out and talk, like we usually do. I started walking but noticed that Delsin wasn't following me. Instead he was sitting down beside Beastboy and Terra. "Uh... Delsin let's go" I said. "Nah Raven all we do is sit in our room and do nothing. Let's just sit down here and talk with our friends" Delsin said as he took a bite out of his cereal. I don't want to sit here. It's not that I don't like Beastboy and Terra. It's just that I wanted to sit in our room and just be alone with him. "Well I'm going back to our room so I'll be there if you need me" I said.
"I'll always need you" Delsin said. I was blushing intensely. I exited through the kitchen pathway and saw Robin and Starfire make out sesh again. "Don't mind me I'm just going to my room. Alone" I said. They were both watching me leave before going back to doing their thing. I walked down the hall to my room. I opened my door to see him. "Hey my sexy Raven". "What are you doing here Malchior?!" I said angrily. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. Wow! your belly really has gotten big then the last time I saw you" Malchior said touching my stomach. "I told you to leave me alone. I don't love you anymore" I said as I slapped his hand. "Im not here to lure you into my love trap. Raven, I'm here to make you an offer" Malchior said. "What kind of offer?"
I asked curiously. "Give yourself up and your precious Delsin doesn't get hurt" Malchior said stroking my hair. I slapped his hand away. "Delsin is way stronger than you. There is no need for me to come with you. There's no point. Just give up Malchior" I said. "Oh really. Well it's just four of us and only one of him. Now let me ask you this. Who do think will win?" Malchior asked. "He will because HE HAS US!!!" I shouted. I tried to use my magic to lift him up and throw him out of my window. But my powers are too weak. He only floated in the air 3 seconds and about 5 inches in the high. "DON'T AGGRAVATE ME!!" Malchior said as he threw me to the wall. My back hit the wall and my belly almost hit the ground if my powers weren't strong enough to catch myself. "You really let yourself go Raven. This is what happens when you get pregnant. You are vulnerable and weak!" Malchior said as he started choking me with his powers. Suddenly my hero knocked down the door to save me. "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU FUCKER!!" Delsin said as he attacked Malchior. He punched Malchior stomach and his face. Malchior then used his magic shards. It hit Delsin in the head and Delsin fell. But I didn't worry because Delsin is strong. He'll get up any moment. But Delsin didn't get up. I got worried. I went to his unconscious body lying on the floor. I started to cry. "You thought he is stronger than me. Well I hate to prove the love of my lives that they were wrong. Cause that means they hate my guts" Malchior said as he walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "DAMN RIGHT I DO!!!" I shouted. "Meet me at the abandoned warehouse by the beach if you change your mind about coming with me" He said. "AND WHY SHOULD I MEET YOU ANYWHERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO DELSIN!?"I shouted in his face. "Because I'm the only one who can save him" Malchior said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke. I put my ear to his chest so if I hear his heart. His heart is still beating but it's slowing down. Every one decided to show up at the moment he's dying. "Raven! What happened to Delsin? Is he oke?" Robin asked. "No..M.... Malchior came... and... Delsin tried to... save me but.. Malchior" I tried to say but I was studdering cause I was crying. "Raven its okay just bring him to the emergency room" Cyborg said running down to the emergency room. Robin and Beastboy picked up Delsin and carried him to the emergency room. Starfire was comforting me to make me calm down and relax. Starfire's hugs really helped me calmed down a bit but I was still worried. Then I thought of something. I know Delsin will be very angry but if it's to save him I have to do it. "Hey Starfire I have to go use the washroom I'll be right back" I said. She nodded and I quickly walked to the hall. I went to the common room and went through the window. I still had the power to fly but I can't fly fast so I'm gonna have to take my time. I just hope I get there in time.

As I reached my location I looked around for him. I needed him to stop hurting Delsin. I couldn't live with myself if I had the chance to save him and I didn't take it. I know he is doing this to him and I know he is going to kill Delsin if I didn't show up. I would've cured Delsin myself but my powers are too weak and could end up killing Delsin instead of saving him. I looked around for him. I checked the back of the abandoned warehouse and an ally way near the abandoned warehouse. Nowhere to be seen. "Malchior! Malchior I'm here! You said to meet you here. I showed up just like you wanted me to!" I shouted. No answer. I walked around again but no sign of him. I can't believe he tricked me! That son of a bitch! "Glad you can make it" a voice said. I knew it was Malchior but I don't know where he was. "Look up Raven" he said. I lifted my head to see Malchior on the roof with a laptop on his lap and he's sitting in a lawn chair. Great. He was watching me look for him. What a prick!

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